President Obama Meets with Congressional Leadership

November 16, 2012 | 2:02 | Public Domain

President Obama tells Congressional leaders that he hopes to work together on an agreement that will reduce our deficit in a balanced way while making sure that middle-class families are able to get ahead.

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Statement by the Press Secretary on the President’s Meeting with Congressional Leadership

Today, the President met with the bipartisan, bicameral leadership of Congress at the White House for over an hour.   The President and the leadership had a constructive meeting and agreed to do everything possible to find a solution that averts the so-called “fiscal cliff,” and to work together to find a balanced approach to reduce our deficit that includes both revenues and cuts in spending and encourages our long-term economic and job growth.  Both sides agreed that while there may be differences in our preferred approaches, we will continue a constructive process to find a solution and come to a conclusion as soon as possible.  Members of the President’s senior team will continue meetings and discussions with Members of Congress and staff over the next several days while the President travels in Asia.

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