

New Google Initiative Promotes Web Content in Arabic


Google announced today a month-long initiative to promote Arabic on the Internet. The program is called "Arabic Web Days" and aims to increase the amount of online content in Arabic, a language that is under-represented on the Internet.

"Arabic content on the web represents just 3 percent of the total digital content online," Google said in its blog announcement. "Yet Arabic speakers make up more than 5 percent of the global population."

Along with various partners, Google is organizing a series of online and offline events, including Google Hangouts with "industry experts," an infographic competition and the celebration of "Arabic Web Day" on December 12.

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"It's all about the users," said Maha Abu Elenein, Google's head of communications in the Middle East and North Africa. "We want the internet to be relevant for Arabic speaking users."

Google also launched an Arabic only blog, and a promotional YouTube video in Arabic.

What other languages would you like to see more of on the Internet? Tell us in the comments.

Photo via iStockphoto, jcarillet.

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