
USDA Announces Commodity Credit Corporation Lending Rates for December 2012: USDA Announces Commodity Credit Cor...

Congrats! RT : Today, we hit 2,000 followers! Keep following for the latest scoop on Sec Vilsack and news.

Great to engage with people online & we have lots of resources avail which we'll share more of later. Look fwd to next time ^RB

Really great questions and discusion today. continues to be one of the most important issues facing the US. ^RB

Q12 con't: Accelerating restoration key to reducing catastrophic fire threat. Feb2012 Report (PDF) ^RB

Q11: What are the prospects for Congress reauthorizing conservation easement tax breaks in the lame duck or early next yr?

A10: Irrigation water mgmt practices & prgms like Ag H20 Enhancement Prog educate & help conserve. More: ^RB

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