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USDA’s 2013 Agricultural Outlook Forum – Feb. 21-22, 2013

USDA’s 2013 Agricultural Outlook Forum, “Managing Risk in the 21st Century,” will be held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Virginia, on Feb. 21-23.  Speakers will include USDA policymakers and 85 distinguished experts in the fields of international trade, insurance, forestry, conservation, risk management, transportation, energy, nutrition, local foods, and food safety. The Forum continues to feature the traditional USDA commodity supply and demand and food price outlooks.

USDA has hosted the Outlook Forum since 1923 to provide farmers and ranchers, government, and agribusinesses with sound information for decision-making. Attendees are expected to include members of farm organizations, food and fiber firms, academia, foreign governments, and the news media.

Previous Forums have hosted distinguished speakers including President Bill Clinton, Nobel Prize winner Norman Borlaug, and in 2012 Secretary Tom Vilsack hosted eight former Secretaries of Agriculture for a panel discussion focused on the future of agriculture.

For a program preview and to register ($375), please go to, or contact Brenda Chapin at 202-720-5447 or

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