Welcome to the U. S. Forest Service Planning Rule Revision!

Uinta National Forest Image by Teresa Prendusi

The Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment has signed the final planning rule for land management planning for the National Forest System. The final planning rule was published in the Federal Register on April 9, 2012. The Forest Service will begin implementing the final planning rule 30 days following the publication date.

The final planning rule was developed through the most collaborative rulemaking effort in Agency history. The complete version of the final planning rule, including the preamble and rule text, along with other informational materials, are listed in the News section below. The preamble includes the Under Secretary's decision, as well as responses to the public comments received on the proposed rule and draft environmental impact statement.

Please see the Collaboration and Public Involvement webpage for how we got here. Use the links in the left banner of this website to learn about the history of forest planning; the basics on what's involved in forest planning and why it's important; and answers to frequently answered questions (FAQs) about the rulemaking process.

We greatly appreciate the input and active engagement we have received from thousands of members of the public over the past two and half years. There will be many ways for you to stay engaged in the planning process during implementation of the final planning rule, and we look forward to continuing to work with you. Information on next steps and how to stay involved is available on the Collaboration and Public Involvement webpage.


Planning Rule FACA Committee to Advise the Secretary and Chief on Implementation of the New Planning Rule

The Secretary of Agriculture has selected 21 members to serve on the National Advisory Committee for Implementation of the National Forest System Land Management Planning Rule. This committee will advise and give recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Chief of the U.S. Forest Service on implementation of the new planning rule.

Visit the Planning Rule FACA webpage for further information on the committee. 

USDA Announces Release of Final Planning Rule for National Forest System Land Management Planning

Eight National Forests Selected as First to Implement New Planning Rule

National forests in Alaska, California, Idaho, New Mexico, and Puerto Rcio have been seleted as the first to revise their land management plans using the new National Forest System Planning Rule. Click here to read the press release for more information.

Further Information

2012 Preferred Alternative and Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
2011 Proposed Planning Rule
2011 Draft Environmental Impact Statement
2009 Notice of Intent
Public Collaboration and Involvement


Overview of Rulemaking Process

The process for developing the planning rule will go through several stages.  Select this feature for further information on the overall rulemaking and NEPA process.

Draft Concepts for the Proposed Rule Content

We're posting initial ideas on how to address a variety of topics in the proposed rule.  Read about the concepts here or on our blog and tell us what you think.