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bus taking forever
rt @Lions Motown sings the blues: Lions have no one to blame but themselves - Bennington Banner:
@Lions, I find myself hoping Ford goes bankrupt so the family will finally sell the team to a good owner.
great meeting you today @billwarner, thanks for stopping by TechStars!
got the comics that @bbrinck dropped off at the bunker. they're for my nephew who has the exact same name as me, isn't that weird?
really bad pain in my left jaw is making it hard for me to eat my illegal pete's burrito!
good times with @devver tonight. i wish @travelfli could have joined us, but they were busy flying a plane to houston and serving drinks
@manukumar it would be cool if they could integrate the gmail themes with reader as well.
@austinsv where did you meet fabio!?
running out of memory
New blog post: Awkward Rule #4: Nod/Hi Relationships
back in boulder, there's snow!
Listening to the great fiction in pontiac!
My mom's mango pie makes me feel better.
My heart goes out to the people in mumbai.we need to rid the world of the scum who caused this.
Excited to see my family! My sister already called dibs on the first hug.
My friend adam now has a baby girl! Don't worry @arsachs it's a different adam.
Two things i've learned - avoid land war in asia and never bet against @jrpowers in code performance
it's another beautiful day in boulder =)! but going home to michigan which is supposed to be way colder.
working / watching college football at the bunker with @jrpowers and @dgcohen23. lou holtz is awesome!


Biz Stone Matt Galligan Dave Winer Daniel Newman Kyle Mulka Nikolaus Bauman Michael Dagitses Alex King Joel Longtine hiro Monsur Hossain Enrico Barack Obama David Cohen Andrew Maverick Hyde Lisa Williams robert reich Jud Samantha Murphy Mark Dowds Detroit Lions Lijit Networks Tony Bacigalupo Brad Feld Ingrid Alongi Eric Marcoullier Jeremy Tanner Sara Czyzewicz Jeff Wilcox Micah Baldwin Paul Berberian Anthony Dimitre seth levine Danny Holland Krista Paul Rob Johnson
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