Jared Polis

Jared Polis


father,entrepreneur, education reform,wannabe baseball player,tech,politics Please also follow my Congressional press office twitter

Boulder, CO · http://polis.house.gov


. I just saw one of your ads (watching ESPN): fantastic. That's how campaign ads should be. Listen up, &

You make me sad. I am a hardcore "Throw the bums out" kind of voter - but you do such an amazing job, I wouldn't dare! =)

I need to look for jobs in Boulder, CO so I can have in office. Who is coming with?

I fully expect to /not/ stand up against the PATRIOT act when it goes to revote in the House, too.

Memuatkan nampaknya mengambil sedikit masa.

Twitter mungkin melebihi kapasiti atau mengalami gangguan seketika. Cuba lagi atau lawati Status Twitter untuk maklumat lanjut.