Rep. Tom Marino

Rep. Tom Marino


I work for the people of Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District. I came to Washington to make sure that they are truly represented here.

Pennsylvania ·


Special thanks to and his daughter Chloe for attending our Teen Advocacy Day celebration dinner last night!

This is so nice that visited "Paws for Peace" 3rd graders and discussed their work to stop puppy mills:

I would like to point out that who is a member of the subcommittee has been advocating for Jacob Ostriecher since the start

You know, these jobs numbers are pathetic. The American People really deserve better - under the right leadership, we can do better.

Just 1 month after receiving news he needed surgery is back in DC fighting for the people of PA-10

I don't think any of it is constitutional. Gov't totally overstepping it's authority with all of it!

Bipartisan passage of the JOBS Act is a victory for Americans and our economy. Read my statement here:


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