Tom Latham

Tom Latham


United States Congressman representing the good people of Iowa.

Clive, IA ·

Groundbreaking on the new DuPont cellulosic ethanol facility in Nevada, IA means more jobs and new technology are...

I am encouraged that Google recognizes the pivotal role that wind plays in securing energy independence and...

Our veterans have provided us with a powerful model of character, discipline and patriotism, even as they often...

Ensuring that the manufacturing industry has access to new trade markets and the tax and regulatory certainty it...

David Huntt ably served our nation during one of the most trying and uncertain crises of the 20th Century. He and...

The message of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is simply: early detection of breast cancer followed by...

We do not need any more evidence that overspending, overregulating and overtaxing leads to underwhelming economic...

This September 21st is World Alzheimer’s Action Day. It is a day to mark our progress in fighting this disease,...

The worst result of the past year is that the Farm Bill is now being used as a political football for campaign...

Let's be clear: Government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers. This morning I voted with...

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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