Thaddeus McCotter

Thaddeus McCotter


Guitar player.

Sometime in Detroit City

Challenge me, St. Jude, so that I will end each day reflecting on my actions and motivations so that I will grow in faith, love, and hope.

: "...Jasper Murdock who had made a lot of money helping out the community." - Philip Marlowe in "The High Window" (1942)

LOL! MT : ...asked by the press "How was jail?", Robert Mitchum replied: "Just like Beverly Hills, without the riff raff."

WTH? 10 minutes ago, someone rang our doorbell; left two stems of flowers next to each other on our doormat w/ no note; & disappeared.

St. Jude, may everything I do this week begin with the Lord Jesus, continue with His help, and be done under His guidance.

Het laden lijkt wat langer te duren.

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