Loading {{fullName}} {% if type == 'member' %} Member of {{Team.name}} {% endif %} {% if type == 'captain' %} Captain of {{Team.name}} {% endif %}

{% if ProfilePicture %} {% else %} {% endif %}
Donate to me {% if teamId %} Donate to my team {% endif %} {% if teamId && !Team.isPrivate && teamId != activeMemberTeamId %} Join my team {% endif %}

{{firstName}}'s Motivation

{% if motivation %} {{motivation}} {% else %} is to change the face of men's health {% endif %}

Help {{firstName}} promote men's health

{% if metaType == 1 %} Donation {% endif %} {% if metaType != 1 && authorId == AjaxProfileHelper.getCurrentPageMemberId() %} Comment {% endif %} {% if metaType != 1 && authorId != AjaxProfileHelper.getCurrentPageMemberId() %} Comments {% endif %}
{% if metaType == 1 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if authorName %}
{% endif %} {% if metaType == 1 && metaData.donation_anonymous != 1 && metaData["donor_i"+"d"] != 0 %} {{authorName}} {% endif %} {% if metaType == 1 && metaData.donation_anonymous != 1 && metaData["donor_i"+"d"] == 0 %} {{authorName}} {% endif %} {% if metaType == 1 && metaData.donation_anonymous == 1 %} an anonymous donor {% endif %} {% if metaType != 1 && authorName && authorId == AjaxProfileHelper.getCurrentPageMemberId() %} {{authorName}} {% endif %} {% if metaType != 1 && authorName && authorId != AjaxProfileHelper.getCurrentPageMemberId() %} {{authorName}} {% endif %} {% if authorName %}
{% endif %}
{% if !truncated %} {{body}} {% else %}
{{truncated}}... Read More
{{body}} Hide
{% endif %}
{% if imageURL %}
{% endif %} {% if youtubeId %}
{% endif %}
Something wrong? Then tell us about it. Report This
{% if hasHealthCheck && gender == "f" %} {% endif %} {% if hasHealthCheck && gender == "m" %} {% endif %} {% if participationNumYears == 1 %} {% endif %} {% if participationNumYears == 2 %} {% endif %} {% if participationNumYears == 3 %} {% endif %} {% if participationNumYears == 4 %} {% endif %} {% if participationNumYears == 5 %} {% endif %} {% if participationNumYears == 6 %} {% endif %} {% if participationNumYears == 7 %} {% endif %} {% if participationNumYears == 8 %} {% endif %} {% if participationNumYears == 9 %} {% endif %} {% if participationNumYears == 10 %} {% endif %} {% if hasPersonalisedPoster %} Personal Poster {% endif %}

Recent Donations:

Showing {{metadata.firstItemNumber}} to {{metadata.lastItemNumber}} of {{metadata.totalItemCount}} results
Page {% if metadata.previous %} < {% endif %} | {{.}} {% if metadata.next %} | > {% endif %}
Total Members: {{Team.numMembers}}
{% if !Team.isPrivate && ( $.cookie( ckName+'_id' ) && $.cookie( ckName )) && !$.cookie( ckName+'_teamId' ) /* User is not a team member */ %} {% endif %}
{{AmountRaised.convertedCurrencySymbol}}{{AmountRaised.convertedAmount | format}}
Showing {{metadata.firstItemNumber}} to {{metadata.lastItemNumber}} of {{metadata.totalItemCount}} results
Page {% if metadata.previous %} < {% endif %} | {{.}} {% if metadata.next %} | > {% endif %}


{% if AmountRaised.convertedAmount %} {{AmountRaised.convertedCurrencySymbol}}{{AmountRaised.convertedAmount | format}} {% else %} {{AmountRaised.originalCurrencySymbol}}{{AmountRaised.originalAmount | format}} {% endif %}
Showing {{metadata.firstItemNumber}} to {{metadata.lastItemNumber}} of {{metadata.totalItemCount}} results
Page {% if metadata.previous %} < {% endif %} | {{.}} {% if metadata.next %} | > {% endif %}
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