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Boehner shoots down proposal to agree to Obama tax demand

Russell Berman, Bernie Becker and Erik Wasson - 11/28/12 11:10 AM ET

Raising taxes on "the so-called 2 percent" would hurt small businesses, the Speaker told his conference.…

Related: Rep. Cole: GOP should take Obama tax deal

Related: Murray calls on House to pass middle-class tax cuts bill

GOP lawmakers tap Bowles to gain clout

Erik Wasson - 11/28/12 05:00 AM ET

Top Republicans believe the negotiations over avoiding the fiscal cliff have become dangerously unbalanced.…

Related: Bowles: Two-thirds chance deficit talks fail

Simpson vows to 'protect' lawmakers who break with Norquist tax pledge

Erik Wasson - 11/28/12 12:13 PM ET

The former senator said his group had millions to back lawmakers who compromised on a deficit deal.…
Dems raise their asking price for a deal

Alexander Bolton - 11/27/12 08:13 PM ET

Party leaders grow bolder as the deadline for extending the Bush-era tax rates and stopping automatic spending cuts approaches.…

Video: Durbin: No 'heat of the moment' entitlement reform

Related: Reid: Fiscal deal must raise debt ceiling

Sen. Landrieu says Congress might need to ‘step in’ on natural-gas exports 

Ben Geman - 11/28/12 11:05 AM ET

Landrieu suggested Congress should take action in support of proposals to increase foreign gas sales.…
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The Hill’s 2012 New Members Guide

The Hill’s guide to the House and Senate’s new lawmakers.

Study: Self-insured health plans on the rise for private-sector employers

Elise Viebeck - 11/28/12 11:27 AM ET

Researchers predicted the trend may continue as employers look for ways to save money on their healthcare coverage.…
US shutters Afghan base named after slain NFL star Pat Tillman

Carlo Munoz - 11/28/12 09:41 AM ET

The closure marks the beginning of the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.…
Pelosi makes case she can strike deal

Mike Lillis - 11/28/12 05:00 AM ET

The House minority leader, regarded as one of the most partisan Democrats in Congress, has adopted a more pragmatic tone.  …
DSCC — still the job no one wants

Alexandra Jaffe - 11/28/12 05:00 AM ET

Senate Democrats are struggling to find a leader for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.…
Sen. Collins 'troubled' by Rice comments on Benghazi attack

Julian Pecquet

11/28/12 12:02 PM ET

“I don't understand why she wouldn't have at least qualified her response” about Benghazi, Collins said.…

Related: Rice’s hopes dim after rocky meeting with Senate GOP

President Obama to meet with Mitt Romney

Jonathan Easley and Amie Parnes

11/28/12 10:04 AM ET

The two men, in their first meeting since the election, will have lunch at the White House on Thursday.…
GOP women press Boehner for top committee spots

Molly Hooper

11/28/12 10:17 AM ET

The slate of chairmen recommended to lead House committees next year consisted entirely of men, but two spots remain open.…

Related: No women among new GOP committee chiefs

EPA suspends BP from government contracts

Zack Colman

11/28/12 09:11 AM ET

The 2010 well blowout and explosion killed 11 workers and amounted to the largest oil spill in U.S. history. …
White House promotes 'My2k' Twitter hashtag in tax-rate debate

Justin Sink

11/28/12 08:06 AM ET

The hashtag represents the estimated $2,200 middle-class families on average would see taxes rise if Bush-era tax rates lapse.…
House members call for Elvis Presley Day

Pete Kasperowicz

11/28/12 09:13 AM ET

The resolution encourages governments to observe Jan. 8 as Elvis Presley Day.…
Opinion: Debt ceiling gives GOP leverage in deficit negotiations

Grover Norquist

11/27/12 06:21 PM ET

The debt ceiling provides plenty of “leverage” for the GOP to trade for spending cuts.…

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