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McCaskill ‘deeply disappointed’ in Ameren-Westinghouse’s Nuclear Proposal Not Being Funded

Senator, who fought for the project, pledges to continue fight to strengthen energy security, expand Missouri job opportunities

November 20, 2012

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill today released the following statement after an application by Ameren Missouri and Westinghouse to design and build in Missouri a modular nuclear unit for export was denied by the U.S. Department of Energy:

"I'm deeply disappointed in today's announcement. This project would be a tremendous opportunity for Missouri jobs and American energy security. I plan to keep working with the folks at Ameren and Westinghouse to pursue new opportunities, and to continue working across the aisle to expand innovation and strengthen security in American energy."

McCaskill strongly supported the proposal by Ameren and Westinghouse, leading the Missouri delegation in urging approval of the project (letter available HERE), and penning a joint op-ed column along with Republican Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer, President and CEO of Ameren Missouri Warner Baxter, and Senior Vice President at Westinghouse Electric Kate Jackson.

With efforts to boost U.S. domestic energy production, McCaskill has also fought for the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, recently requesting that the Obama Administration fast-track approval of the project. Read more about McCaskill's fight to expand energy jobs, and strengthen America's energy security, HERE.



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