Olympia J. Snowe

Olympia J. Snowe


United States Senator for Maine. Tweets come from Press Office.


I'll be speaking with on today at 1:00 to discuss the fiscal cliff and how we can move forward in Washington.

Tomorrow I join Bob Schieffer on to discuss the investigation into the Libya attacks, the impending Fiscal Cliff, and more.

Be sure to watch tonight at 8. I’ll be talking to about the fiscal cliff and the need for compromise in DC!

I'm talking to on at 1:30 about the need for Congress to cross the partisan divide during the lame duck. Tune in!

I implore Republicans to take the lead in setting the tone for a results-oriented lame duck session when we return Tue

I rode on the Downeaster’s maiden trip to Freeport and Brunswick today. The service is truly invaluable to Maine!

I urge all Mainers to take precautions and to remain safe throughout Hurricane . You can find critical info at

Pleased that Pres. Obama signed my Military CDL bill into law, making it easier for veterans to obtain a civilian job.

After Parks and Rec, stay tuned for where I discuss the role of media in politics with Ted Koppel and .

Unemployment has been above 8% for 43 straight months. It’s long past time for Washington to focus on job creation

I paid tribute to the exemplary Kittery Shipyard workers today. It has been an honor to work with them over my career.

Today we mourn all whom we lost on 9-11 and recall the heroic acts of valor that sent a resounding message that we can never be deterred.

I spoke with for his exit interview series about Congress’ disappearing sensible center & women in govt

I met Italian Minister of Econ Development Corrado Passera in Rome today while on my CODEL evaluating the Euro crisis

Congratulations to on his promotion to Colonel in the Army National Guard. It was an honor to attend the ceremony!

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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