Publishing App Summit
App Development, Marketing & Monetization
December 3, 2012 | New York City
produced by WebMediaBrands,
and AppNewser

App Development, Marketing & Monetization

Explore the tools and apps which publishers, museums, and organizations are using to effectively drive content and engage with their readers at Media App Summit, December 3 in New York City. The summit is a one day event that will teach you how to build apps within budget, maximize discoverability, and monetize content across all media platforms, reaching the growing mobile readership.

Connect with fellow publishers, developers, digital content strategists, editors, authors, and entrepreneurs for an extensive look into the cutting-edge world of media app design, demographics, and distribution. Our panels of publishing and app development experts will show you how to adjust your business strategies and remain innovative in the turbulent mobile world.

Keynote presentations will be delivered by Tim Hayden, Senior VP, Mobile Strategy at Edelman Digital, and Jason Hirschhorn, former president of Myspace and CEO of The ReDEF Group. These presentations serve as a unique opportunity to receive expert advice to help you build brand awareness, retain an audience, and create valuable content.

Featured panel sessions include:
Multi-Platform Publishing for Mobile News and Magazine Content
• Self Publishing Across Multiple Formats
• Mobile Advertising- Engagement Drives Conversations, Get the User Involved!
• New Distribution Models for eBooks and Apps
• App-Centered Outreach for Non-Profit and Institutions

Attendees will discover how to create eye-catching content and promote their apps in the right places. You'll walk away with a clear, detemined roadmap of where to focus your energy and improve your business strategy.

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