Carolyn  B. Maloney

Carolyn B. Maloney


U.S. Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY-14) official gov't Twitter account. Serving on Financial Services, Oversight/Government Reform and Joint Economic Committees.

New York City & Washington, DC ·


Light at the end of the tunnels: I hail inclusion of $123 mil 4 2nd Ave Subway, $215 mil 4 E. Side Access in new federal budget

Just spoke against R bid 2 delay defang & defund ; 75% of Americans want 1 agency w sole mission 2 protect consumers

3 cheers! admin 2 let states protect same-sex couples using long-term Medicaid care. See

Happy Birthday to my Credit CARD Act! It's helping consumers save billions - good news for everyone.

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