Sen. John Barrasso

Sen. John Barrasso


U.S. Senator for the great state of Wyoming.

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Best path to lasting peace is through direct negotiations between the two parties—not through manipulations at the

Debt Limit on Agenda Again. Treasury expects the U.S. gov't to hit its debt limit “near the end of 2012.” RPC overview:

[New from RPC] On the Fiscal Cliff, Entitlement Reform Is Key. No amount of tax revenue will fix entitlement spending:

Today’s decision by to deny Waiver will make it more expensive for all Americans to put food on their tables

[New from RPC] Presidential leadership needed on fiscal cliff to avoid tax hike, sequester, almost certain recession.

[New from RPC] Senate Democrats Trample Minority Rights. Leader Reid should follow regular order, abandon power grab.

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