Frank LoBiondo

Frank LoBiondo


Congressman proudly representing New Jersey's 2nd District

South Jersey ·

Reminding students and adults to find me on Facebook and "Like" my page. New updates, open discussions on key current issues

New Jersey Disaster Recovery Centers Will Be Closed On Thanksgiving Day -Centers Will Resume Operations on Friday, N...

Also remember our men & women in uniform as they serve our country far from home this holiday. Thank you & your families for your sacrifce.

As recovers & rebuilds from , let us keep those who lost so much in our thoughts. I wish all a safe, Happy Thanksgiving.

Federal government just made disaster declaration for New Jersey fishing industry. It's a $1.3 billion business here, in tatters from Sandy.

Shortly after 5pm, the U.S. House of Reps will hold moment of silence for victims of . I encourage to join in reflection

Het laden lijkt wat langer te duren.

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