Randy Forbes

Randy Forbes


Representing Virginia's Fourth Congressional District. (Following a group or person does not indicate support or endorsement of their beliefs or opinions.)

Chesapeake, Virginia · http://www.forbes.house.gov

Honored to meet w Gen Odierno, U.S. Army Chief of Staff today, to discuss the Army's future in the Asia-Pacific region.

Moderating an Asia-Pacific discussion with three Ambassadors to the U.S. at Foreign Policy Initiative Forum tomorrow:

As many families gather to share a Thanksgiving meal, read some tips by the Partnership for Food Safety Education

This thanksgiving, I hope you can spend time with your family and friends to celebrate all that we have to be thankful.

Insta Poll Question of the week: Do you think Israel has the inherent right to defend itself from Hamas rocket attacks?

I have put together a primer to break down the fiscal cliff, how these policies impact you and how we can avert it:

As air raid sirens sound in Tel Aviv and, for the first time in decades, Jerusalem, we stand with Israel as they...

Insta Poll Question of the week: Do you support legislation requiring an investigation into what happened in Benghazi ?

Rolls-Royce is building a new manufacturing facility at their Crosspointe facility in PG, resulting in 140 new jobs.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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