There is one summary of the bill.

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Introduced in House (06/07/2012)

DHS Accountability Act of 2012 - Establishes in the legislative branch an independent advisory panel to: (1) comprehensively assess the management structure and capabilities related to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and (2) make recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DHS management.

Directs the panel to examine: (1) the efficiency and effectiveness of the management structure and capabilities, including the policies, practices, and procedures, of DHS and its component agencies in carrying out management functions, such as program acquisition, financial management, information technology, human capital issues, performance measurement, and risk management efforts, related to homeland security; (2) the extent to which unnecessary duplication exists in such management structure and capabilities and how any such duplication negatively affects the mission of protecting the United States; (3) the extent to which management of key homeland security missions is centralized under DHS; (4) options to reduce or eliminate harmful waste and duplication of effort in DHS; and (5) measures to evaluate DHS's progress in reducing and eliminating waste and duplication from its management structure and capabilities.