Heartwarming photo snapped by tourist shows NYPD officer giving winter boots to barefoot homeless man

By Daily Mail Reporter


A New York police officer's spontaneous act of kindness has captured the praise of hundreds of thousands of people across the internet.

A tourist from Arizona captured a heartwarming photo of Lawrence Deprimo kneeling down to give a barefoot homeless man a pair of winter boots on a cold night on November 14.

The NYPD posted the photo on its Facebook page, an effort to show the softer side of the nation's largest police force.

Nearly 300,000 people have 'liked' the photo online. Another 65,000 people have shared it.

Act of kindness: Hundreds of thousands of people have expressed appreciation for Officer Lawrence Deprimo after the NYPD posted this photo of him on Facebook

Act of kindness: Hundreds of thousands of people have expressed appreciation for Officer Lawrence Deprimo after the NYPD posted this photo of him on Facebook

Officer Deprimo said he was patrolling Times Square in the heart of Manhattan when he came across the man, who was huddled next to a storefront with nothing on his feet, the New York Times reports.

'It was freezing out and you could see the blisters on the man’s feet,' the officer told the Times. 'I had two pairs of socks and I was still cold.'

Officer Deprimo said he talked to the homeless man and found out his shoe size: 12.


He watched the man stand up and walk slowly, painfully, down the cold pavement of the sidewalk on the balls of his feet.

The 25-year-old officer went into a nearby Skecher's store and found a $100 pair of winter boots that he believed would keep the man warm through the winter.

Jose Cano, the assistant manager at the Skechers store in Times Square, said he discounted the Alamar Terence shoes from $100 to $49.50 as he was 'inspired'.

Mr Cano, 28, said: 'The cop came in here and said he wanted some shoes and was acting calm and normal.

'When we asked about the size he explained what he wanted to do and that it was for a homeless guy.

'We guessed the size and it seems they fitted. We thought it was inspirational and have him a discount - we only get two of those a month but it was worth it.


Snug: A worker at Skechers shows off the type of $100 boot donated to the homeless man

Good publicity: The NYPD posted the photo in the hopes of showing the gentler side of the hard-edged NYPD

Good publicity: The NYPD posted the photo in the hopes of showing the gentler side of the hard-edged NYPD

'He didn't take a bag and just took the boots outside and gave them to the guy who looked shocked.

'I don't think the cop told him what he was up to before he did it.

Mr Cano added that it was great news for the New York City Police Department as 'they've finally been caught doing something good'.

Officer Deprimo said he keeps the $75 receipt as a reminder that 'sometimes people have it worse.'

Deprimo, who lives on Long Island with his parents, joined the force in 2010.

The photo was taken by Jennifer Foster, a 911 dispatcher from from Pinal County, Arizona, who was in New York for Thanksgiving.

When she got home, she emailed the photo to the NYPD, which posted it to the department's Facebook page.

She said she took the picture because the scene reminded her of her own father, a 32-year veteran of the Phoenix police department. She remembers as a child watching him give food to a homeless man. 

'He squatted down, just like this officer,' she told the Times.


The comments below have not been moderated.

this was likely staged and the homeless guy is likely a narc there is no such thing as a good Pig in America - Anti Pig , New Orleans, United States, 29/11/2012 23:59+++++When cops do bad things, I'm the first to call them out. But I applaud this officer for his good deed. It's an awful thing to paint an entire group as any one thing.

Click to rate     Rating   8

It's what Jesus would have done. Good on him! - BETTY BOO , Disneyland, 29/11/2012 09:42 I didnt know that Sketchers where big around the Sea of Galilee or is there one on Jerusalem High street? Im sorry what would have Jesus done? - Laz, London, 29/11/2012 5:21 Perhaps I can help you with that, Laz. Matthew 14:14-22 tells us that when Jesus went into a desert place he had compassion on the multitude that had come out to hear him and He healed their sick. Then, knowing they had almost nothing to eat, He blessed five loaves and two fishes, and fed 5,000 men besides women and children. And, there were twelve baskets of food left over. Jesus had compassion on this multitude of people, and healed, fed and taught them. The officer in the story had compassion on a fellow human being and provided him with what he seemed to need most at that time. Remember too, Hebrews 13:2 tells us: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

Click to rate     Rating   3

I have always seen homeless in NYC, always, nothing to do with this storm, but always. I dont know why, can someone tell me why?? People from USA are so spoiled, if they dont have shoes then they are ready to die. In my native country people dont have house, shoes, food and they are still trying to work and survive. My neighbor came from Nicaragua thru Mexico and got all of her clothes wet, pregnant and with 3 children, no job, no husband, no house. Survived at a charity at first and a generation later she had 4 children specialist doctor, lawyer, pilot and engineer. Here in the USA you are so spoiled, Latin people like are warriors!!!

Click to rate     Rating   31

Good job Officer Hottie....There are good cops out there.

Click to rate     Rating   22

this was likely staged and the homeless guy is likely a narc there is no such thing as a good Pig in America

Click to rate     Rating   86

Sad part of the story is that homeless man could have very well been a Veteran Thanks to the Officer for lookin out.

Click to rate     Rating   46

Why is this making the news? This is what goes on everyday in Middle America..They feed the Hungry They clothe those without,.They shelter those in need and share their talents and wealth on a regular basis.Many give anonymously every day.Also the price of the shoes seems to be going up as the days goes on?Why post this on a FB page.?If this was a random act of true kindness God will reward the officer.If a homeless person got a pair of shoes out of it,I am happy,he needs them.I,however,will remain skeptical,,until proven wrong.

Click to rate     Rating   48

Is he married? I'll move back to NY for that cop. Lol! But, in all seriousness, the world would be a better place with more people like him.

Click to rate     Rating   46

Right Akamat, just because this does not meet the critieria of YOUR lefist beliefs does not mean it did not happen, I applaud the officer for helping out a fellow human being in need!

Click to rate     Rating   34

Deprimo looks like he would be a hottie :) Good for him for being so kind!

Click to rate     Rating   33

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