Rep. Rob Wittman

Rep. Rob Wittman


I represent the First Congressional District of Virginia and serve on the House Armed Services and Natural Resources Committees. I appreciate your thoughts!

Montross, VA ·

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Virginia will be 1 of 3 states included in the first-ever renewable energy lease sale on the outer continental shelf.

Thanks for your questions, folks! I'm going to vote on the House floor, but please continue to keep in touch.

I also support efforts to reduce salaries for members of Congress, as well to reduce the budget for the Legislative Branch.

I support efforts to make Members of Congress accountable and assuring that our fundamental duties are performed.

Re-introduce your *no pay for no serious work* I understand the others didn't like the plan, but we the people do!

It's my hope that we avoid the fiscal cliff. I am working to find thoughtful ways to avoid these massive cuts to our defense.

Will this fiscal cliff/defense cuts, affect the contractor workforce @ NSWC Dahlgren?

I believe there will be continued efforts to replace the ACA w/ patient-centered reforms.

what's the plan now to deal with the "Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare)? Any plans to repeal/replace?

Rob will be here soon to answer questions for . Please submit your thoughts, comments & questions!

First, that we avoid going over the fiscal cliff. We must reduce spending & reform the tax code. We must address sequestration.

Congress has lots to do in a short time, including sequestration, the fiscal cliff, farm bill, tax extenders, & other timely issues.

The more civic engagement we have, the better our govt operates, and I am an advocate for that.

How are you helping to ? How are you explaing to GOP Estab that is actually useful grassroots movement?

Nothing in the lame duck session, but certainly a much-needed discussion for the 113th Congress in January. This is critical.

any plans out there to make a major investment in our crumbling transportation infrastructure and passenger rail coming soon?


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