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Adoption organizations and publications

Adopt America Network

Adopt America Network places special needs children into permanent homes through a network of adoption specialists. Contains a sample of children seeking adoptive homes and an online application to receive more information.

The Adoption Exchange

The Adoption Exchange provides the connection between families who adopt and children who wait and is a place for the exchange of resources on behalf of dozens of adoption agencies. When an agency is unable to locate a family for a waiting child, the agency uses The Adoption Exchange services to find a family.

The primary resource for Canadian residents interested in adoption.

Adoptive Families Magazine

Publication focusing on adoptive and prospective adoptive families.

Adopt US Kids is dedicated to finding permanent, loving adoptive families for the thousands of U.S. children who are currently waiting in foster care. This site, launched in 2002, is funded by the U.S. government.

Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute

The Adoption Institute provides adoption information to media, lawmakers, and individuals on topics such as survey data and governmental research data.

Foster Family to Forever Family

Developed by the National Adoption Center, “Foster Family to Forever Family” is the first course in “The Adoption Roadmap” online training series. This course provides an interactive overview of the process of adopting one’s foster child. Relevant for all prospective adoptive parents, adoption professionals and other professionals working with adoptive families and children.

Gift of Adoption Fund

Human Rights Campaign

Offers adoption resources and advocacy for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender parents. Their “All Children – All Families” initiative educates and engages the LGBT community in foster and adoptive parenting and promotes policies that welcome LGBT prospective parents. State by state listing of adoption laws:

North American Council on Adoptable Children

NACAC’s Adoption Subsidy Resource Center provides information on how each state operates their Title IV-E Adoption Assistance program. Adoption assistance information is also available for each province in Canada. For further information, please call (800) 470-6665.

Northwest Adoption Exchange

The Northwest Adoption Exchange provides information and referrals on a wide variety of adoption issues. It specializes in the placement of children waiting in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington and facilitates placements for families with home studies from anywhere in the U.S.

The Report on Intercountry Adoption

The Report on Intercountry Adoptions is an extensive compilation of information regarding international adoption programs and licensed agencies in all 50 states. There are also numerous articles on adoption-related issues. The Report is updated and printed annually.

Show Hope (Shaohannah’s Hope)

Child support organizations

A Child Waits Foundation

All Children – All Families Initiative

An initiative of the Human Rights Campaign to educate and engage the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) community and promote policies that welcome GLBT prospective parents.

Child Welfare Information Gateway

A comprehensive resource on all aspects of adoption. Their National Adoption Directory allows for a state-wide search of public and private licensed adoption agencies. It also contains state-by-state information on adoption laws and adoption and post-adoption assistance.

Child Welfare League of America

The Child Welfare League of America promotes the well-being of children, youth, and their families, and is committed to protecting every child from harm.

Defending Childhood Initiative – U.S. Department of Justice

The Defending Childhood Initiative was launched in 2010 to address children’s exposure to violence. It leverages existing resources across the U.S. Department of Justice to focus on preventing, addressing, reducing, and more fully understanding childhood exposure to violence.

Jewish Children’s Adoption Network

The Jewish Children’s Adoption Network is the only Jewish adoption exchange in the Western hemisphere. Founded as a not-for-profit organization in 1990, the Network seeks to find appropriate adoptive homes for the 100 or so children referred to it each year.

Joint Council on International Children Services

JCICS is a membership organization which advocates on behalf of parentless children worldwide. JCICS promotes ethical child welfare practices, strengthens professional standards and educates adoptive families, social service professionals and government representatives throughout the world. Contact JCICS at 703-535-8045 or visit their website.

The Orphan Foundation

WACAP – World Association for Children and Parents

Rainbow Kids

Publication focusing solely on international adoption.

Informative websites

Adoptable Kids is a photolisting of children awaiting adoption. It is a free community service dedicated to helping U.S. foster children and children around the world find loving, permanent homes.

Resources for prospective adoptive parents: How to get started, links to agencies, facilitators and attorneys, letters from birth parents, support groups, and legal information. Also includes a photo listing of waiting children.

Contains a wide variety of adoption topics and resources.

Adoption Information

Contains articles and tips for those considering adoption and for those who already have adopted.

Fostering Connections Resource Center

An online resource center with information, training, and tools for furthering the implementation of the Fostering Connections law. Specifically, the Resource Center aims to connect each state’s implementers of the law with the latest information and the best experts and advocates working on these issues.

This site contains fact sheets, adoption information, travel information, culture and heritage, maps, weather, books, currency exchange rates, periodicals, news and much more for dozens of different countries with active international adoption programs.

New York State Citizens’ Coalition for Children

College scholarships and financial aid programs for youth who are currently or were formerly in foster care, or were adopted from the child welfare system.

State Adoption Assistance Specialists

Includes contact information for the Adoption Assistance Specialist in each state and territory, when available.

State Department – International Adoption

U.S. Department of State’s website dedicated to international adoption issues and legislation.

Adoption law and policy resources

Adoption Policy Resource Center

Adoption Subsidy Advocates provides free initial consultation and related policy information to adoptive families, attorneys, advocates and agency professionals.

American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law

The Center is a full-service technical assistance, training, and research program addressing a broad spectrum of law and court-related topics affecting children. These include child abuse and neglect, adoption, adolescent health, foster and kinship care, custody and support, guardianship, missing and exploited children, and children’s exposure to domestic violence.

Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute

The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to raising Congressional and public awareness about the issue of adoption. CCAI serves as an informational and educational resource to policymakers about current domestic and international adoption-related matters.

National Center for Adoption Law and Policy

The National Center for Adoption Law & Policy seeks to improve the law, policies, and practices associated with child protection and adoption systems.

State Child Welfare Policy Database

Child Trends, with support from Casey Family Programs, hosts a website that acts as the clearinghouse for state child welfare policies. The database provides information on child welfare laws, procedures, and agency guidance for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Please note: These organization links are provided because they offer useful information; they are not explicitly endorsed by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. Information gleaned from the internet is maintained by the people and organizations it relates to. Before relying on the material, users should independently verify its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for their purposes, and should obtain any appropriate legal and professional advice.