James E. Clyburn

James E. Clyburn


Rep. Clyburn is the Assistant Democratic Leader, the number three Democrat in the House of Representatives. He represents South Carolina's 6th District.

Washington, DC · http://assistantdemocraticleader.house.gov

ツイート すべて / 返信なし

House Republicans would be wise to follow the lead of Rep. Cole and give tax cut to 98% of Americans and resolve this mess they created

Democrats embrace our nation's diversity. House Republicans' all-male lineup of committee chairs shows they are woefully out of touch.

One of the highest honors of my life to receive the Lewis-Houghton Leadership Award from the Faith and Politics Institute last night.

Sen McGovern was a war hero and strong leader for peace, justice and feeding hungry people throughout the world. May he rest in peace.

Seniors earned their Medicare benefits through lifetime of hard work; Republican budget plan would replace Medicare guarantee w voucher plan

Republican budget ends Medicare guarantee, and new Kaiser study shows 59% of Medicare patients would pay more for care


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