Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan


Official Twitter of Representative and soon-to-be Vice President Paul Ryan. Do not be fooled by impersonations, thank you and God Bless America

I'm With Mitt! ·


Hahaha. Cyberbullying machine. Surely you've heard of Neal Rauhauser & his militia. Works both ways friend.

Please send me your concerns about the Ryan Budget, and your questions about mine and 's plans to reduce spending. I read them.

I slept on my Twitter page for like a week or whatever and I got a lot of real mean replies back at me. Seems people don't like the budget.

Trump’s my hero! He’s investigating Barry Soetoro aka Obama’s suspicious birth & school records. So glad someone’s finally doing something!

I bought 50,000 Powerball tickets. If I win I'm spending it all on ads saying Obama wants to take a machete to your grandma's forehead.

Can anybody tell me where my friggin Internet Explorer bookmarks are, dangit

I know sometimes my tweets sound a little ridiculous but I'm just speaking the language of our youth. The future of America.

Romney keeps asking "how can I keep it real?" And I keep telling him, it's got to come naturally.

If we tax the rich any more, where will all the money go towards job creation! Gotta let the job creators run free.

I think everybody ought to give the Weiner Bus a spin. It's a wonderful job, bringing happiness to families, one hot dog at a time.

as a young man actually worked - for Oscar Meyer - WeinerMobile Driver; True American Original!

He tried to vote for it twice but they wouldn't let him :( RT : Only 20 House Rs voted for TARP. Rep. Paul Ryan was one.

Don't need'em RT : 's budget: slash funding for roads, bridges, rail lines, transit systems, & airports by 40% FY2013

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