Marino Tweets, Then Deletes, Inartful Sandy Message

Rep. Tom Marino

As Pa. cleans up from Hurricane Sandy, Rep. Tom Marino’s office is cleaning up a social media account.

The Lycoming County Republican tweeted – then immediately deleted – an inartful message to constituents about the storm.

“Happy Halloween and Happy Belated Monday to all of you lucky stiffs who haven’t been to work yet this week.”

The message was visible for about an hour Wednesday morning and then deleted. His account then tweeted:

“I apologize for the previous tweet and any messages people may have received. My account was improperly accessed.”

It looks like a staffer intended to post to a personal facebook page, but instead posted to Marino’s official facebook page which is linked to his twitter account.

How am I so sure? Full disclosure: I was the staffer who accidentally tweeted “<3 @JoeSestak” from Sen. Arlen Specter’s twitter account.

Update: Marino’s office says it is trying to track down how the tweet was sent. A spokeswoman said it wasn’t the Congressman or a current staffer but was probably a former staffer whose account was still linked. No foul play is suspected and Marino has since changed his Twitter password.

She said Marino and his district staff were at work both Monday and Tuesday this week.

Marino is a favorite in his re-election bid against Pike County Democrat and businessman Phil Scollo in the northeast Pa. district.

Sandy didn’t hit northeast Pa. quite as hard as other areas, but one of Pennsylvania’s seven storm-related fatalities occurred in Susquehanna County in the 10th district.

The deleted tweet was stored by Politwhoops, a project of the Sunlight Foundation:

And here’s the apology tweet:

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