Rep. Zoe Lofgren calls for Greater Transparency and Free Expression Protection in TPP

San Jose, CA –Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) released a letter to U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Ron Kirk calling for greater transparency in the negotiating process and balanced protections for free expression in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) international trade agreement. Rep. Lofgren said that she remains concerned with the lack of transparency surrounding the TPP negotiations in light of leaked intellectual property (IP) enforcement provisions which may "threaten online free speech, privacy, and innovation."

"The TPP's IP provisions must not undermine the free expression of Internet users, the ability to share and create content online, the free and open character of the Internet, or the freedom of digital service providers to innovate," Rep. Lofgren cautioned. "Lack of transparency and overbroad IP enforcement requirements have held back other international trade agreements in the recent past – these same issues are now undermining the results [USTR seeks] to achieve with TPP."

The letter can be viewed by clicking here.

The letter follows a July meeting between Rep. Lofgren and USTR Ron Kirk to discuss trade concerns. In June, Rep. Lofgren and more than 130 members of Congress sent USTR a letter asking for greater transparency in the TPP trade negotiations (click here for USTR's response letter).

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