Dana Perino  

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Dana Perino

Political Commentator and Co-Host of Fox's The Five
Former White House Press Secretary

Dana Perino

Dana Perino brings a unique viewpoint from her time inside the White House, providing the insight into the current political climate that will give organizations a clear picture of the changes to come. As only the second female press secretary in U.S. history (and the first female Republican) and one of the most widely-respected members of President Bush’s senior staff, she is an expert in crafting and communicating key messages under stressful conditions and a keen analyst of the latest political news. Exclusively represented by Leading Authorities speakers bureau, Dana Perino communicates a clear and precise picture of the current political situation in America today.

Post-White House. Perino is currently a Fox News contributor and co-host of The Five, the channel’s daily political news show. She is also the president of the strategic communications firm, Dana Perino and Company; the editorial director of Crown Forum, the conservative imprint of Crown Publishing Group; and a frequent public speaker on how politics affects people outside the beltway. President Obama also nominated her to the Broadcasting Board of Governors in 2009.

Volunteerism. After leaving the White House, Perino spent time volunteering at an HIV/AIDS treatment center in South Africa. She has developed a unique interest in the areas of women’s rights and maternal health, especially in Africa. In 2011, she collaborated with fellow Governor Susan McCue to launch Congo Story, a website that shines light on the brutal realities of daily life for women in Africa. She is also the founder of Minute Mentoring, an organization focused on giving professional guidance to young women starting their careers. Additionally, she serves on the boards of Mothers Day Every Day, Running Start, ONE Campaign, and Pets2Vets.

The Voice of the White House. Dana Perino served as the White House Press Secretary to President George W. Bush from 2007–2009. An expert on healthcare, energy policy, and the position of female leaders in government and business, she communicates with audiences with the same clarity and precision that gained the respect of the rough-and-tumble White House press corps. Calling on her experience working closely with the President, she also speaks about management and leadership, encouraging rock-solid performance, inspiring creativity, and fostering debate to encourage better decision-making.

Clear Lines of Communication. Before she joined the White House, Perino was a spokesperson at the Department of Justice. Two years later, she moved to the White House to do communications work for the Council on Environmental Quality. Altogether, she spent more than seven years serving in the Bush administration. Her political experience also includes working on Capitol Hill for Rep. Dan Schaefer (R-CO) and Rep. Scott McInnis (R-CO).

Perino worked as a journalist before turning to politics, covering the State Assembly of Illinois for local CBS. She is a former commentariat for The Washington Post, POLITICO, and National Review.

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  • The Issues of Today and Advice for Businesses
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Download Speech Topics: Dana Perino's Topics

The Political Realities—Right Now. A new administration, a new Congress, a perceived shift in the public attitude toward the financial sector, and a clamoring for regulatory changes: these are just some of the political realities facing the American people and American business. Calling on her experience in the White House Situation Room and her time as press secretary, Perino analyzes what’s on the minds of Americans and American politicians. With experience interfacing with the media, she understands the spin, the realities, and the ways in which the public is being affected by the current political climate.

Message Management in Critical Times. In uncertain economic times, when the American public is reexamining how it consumes news and who it trusts for information, reputation management is more important than ever. As White House Press Secretary, Perino served as the conduit between government and the media, communicating the President’s key messages to the American people. An expert in public relations and crafting constructive, forward-looking messages in trying times, she discusses how reputation and message management ensures the health of an organization. Businesses and associations must effectively communicate their message now more than ever, and Perino explains the strategies, tactics, and mindset necessary to present a convincing and attractive face to customers and the American public.

Energy and Power and the New Administration. Energy policy and the impact it has on America and the world is, was, and will continue to be the single most important issue facing American policy-makers. How we deal with shrinking supplies of oil, greater regulation, and foreign dependence will affect every decision made by the Obama administration. From her time as White House Press Secretary as well as her time working on energy issues in Congress and at the Department of Justice, Perino understands the many angles and viewpoints that cloud and clarify this issue. She speaks about where we’re headed, where we’ve been, and how the policy decisions—both foreign and domestic—will contribute to the energy future of America.

Life Balance for Women in Leadership. As only the second female White House Press Secretary, Perino gained a no-nonsense, tough reputation in a field traditionally dominated by men. With a “seat at the table” in the White House—a privilege not usually afforded press secretaries—Perino was more than just a spokesperson; she was a key player in crafting and presenting the President’s case to the American public. She speaks about the experience of being a woman in the inner circle, what it means for women in the future, and how women can achieve leadership positions and excel in them while balancing family and life outside of work.

Be a Good Leader...From a Follower’s Point of View. Dana Perino, former White House Press Secretary to President George W. Bush, turns the traditional leadership speech upside down by sharing what she thinks makes a great leader. Through compelling stories, sharing both positive and challenging experiences, she walks audiences through three critical elements: access, principles, and loyalty. It was these aspects of working for a president that inspired 4 a.m. wake-ups for four years in a row – and even after the daily “griefings” in front of the press, feeling that it was worth it to keep up the good work. Dana’s perspective provides a different way to train leaders of your organization - with memorable emotional stories from working in the pressure cooker.

Conflict and Confrontation in Daily Communications: Dana Perino shares tips from the White House podium for successfully making your point and keeping a smile on your face. As the White House Press Secretary for President Bush during highly controversial years, she stepped daily in front of the White House press corps and withstood all sorts of aggressive questioning -- yet she maintained her cool. How? She says that often she felt like a duck -from the waist up, all looked smooth and calm - but underneath she was paddling furiously to stay afloat. In her presentation, Dana offers seven tips she learned at the White House podium for keeping composed, being gracious, and succeeding in making her points. And you'll love the stories about her and Helen Thomas...

Point/Counterpoint with Donna Brazile. In this presentation, Dana Perino pairs up with renowned Democratic political strategist, advisor, and media commentator Donna Brazile to offer perspectives from opposite sides of the aisle on today’s hot-button political issues. Both women are media savvy, appearing regularly on network news programs, and both have high-level practical political experience. Perino worked for President Bush, and Brazile worked for Al Gore’s presidential campaign. These two highly-regarded strategists make up a power duo that debates the issues that affect elections and shape the political landscape.

Moderator. Dana Perino makes an ideal moderator for panel discussions, communicating with audiences with the same clarity and precision that gained the respect of the rough-and-tumble White House press corps. Perino excels at coaxing insight from panelists and creating an understanding with practical implications for the audience. A frequent contributor to television news, Perino has the experience to keep participants on topic and provoke discussion. She will help the panel communicate a clear and precise picture of the issue at hand for the audience, lead the Q&A, and summarize the insights gained during the event.

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I have really enjoyed seeing and hearing Dana's excellent viewpoint on Fox News and in the Washington Post. Her voice is always well thought out, articulate, refreshing and insightful. Women in Cable Telecommunications

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