November 29, 2012

Thursday's Show

Planet Money

A Huge Pay Cut For Doctors Is Hiding In The Fiscal Cliff()  

How much is it worth?

On Jan. 1, Medicare is set to cut payments to doctors by nearly 30 percent. Lawmakers of both parties want to prevent this. So why is it imminent?




Facebook Arrests Ignite Free-Speech Debate In India()  

Shaheen Dhada (left) and Renu Srinivasan leave court in Mumbai on Nov. 19. Dhada was arrested for a Facebook post questioning the shutdown of Mumbai for the funeral of a powerful politician; Srinivasan was arrested for "liking" the post.

A 21-year-old was arrested after she questioned the shutdown of Mumbai for the funeral of a controversial political leader; her friend was arrested for simply "liking" the post. The comment angered the politician's supporters, who some say intimidated police into making the arrests.




The 'Not Too Crazy' Pulls Ahead In Car Race()  

Toyota unveils its new RAV4 crossover SUV to the media Wednesday before the L.A. Auto Show opens to the public.

The race to make cars more fuel efficient means automakers are spending a lot more time in wind tunnels to get that sleek look. The result? A convergence in the way cars look.




Leslie Caron: Dancing From WWII Paris To Hollywood()  

In 1955's Daddy Long Legs, Leslie Caron plays a French orphan who goes to college thanks to help from an anonymous, American benefactor (Fred Astaire).

In 1951, Leslie Caron arrived in California a malnourished and anemic ballerina. After spending the war in occupied Paris, Tinseltown was a revelation, and she soon took it by storm, appearing with the likes of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly in more than 40 films.



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