House Meets At: First Vote Predicted: Last Vote Predicted:

12:00 p.m.: Legislative Business

Fifteen “One Minutes” per side

No votes expected No votes expected

**Following one minute speeches, the House is expected to recess until approximately 12:55 p.m. At that time, the House will reconvene and consider the eight bills listed for consideration under suspension of the Rules. Members are advised that no votes are expected in the House today. Any recorded votes requested will be postponed until tomorrow.

**Members are also advised that there will be no Morning Hour today in order to accommodate New Member Orientation activities taking place on the Floor.

Suspensions (8 bills)

  1. H.R. 6604 – To designate the federal building currently known as Federal Office Building 8, located at 200 C Street Southwest in the District of Columbia, as the “Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. Federal Building” (Rep. Pelosi – Transportation and Infrastructure)
  2. H.R. 6374 – To designate the facility of the Department of Veterans Affairs located at 180 Martin Drive in Carrollton, Georgia, as the "Trinka Davis Veterans Village" (Rep. Gingrey – Veterans’ Affairs)
  3. H.R. 5788 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 103 Center Street West in Eatonville, Washington, as the "National Park Ranger Margaret Anderson Post Office" (Rep. Reichert – Oversight and Government Reform)
  4. H.R. 5738 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 15285 Samohin Drive in Macomb, Michigan, as the "Lance Cpl. Anthony A. DiLisio Clinton–Macomb Carrier Annex" (Rep. Miller (MI) – Oversight and Government Reform)
  5. H.R. 3892 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 8771 Auburn Folsom Road in Roseville, California, as the "Private First Class Victor A. Dew Post Office" (Rep. McClintock – Oversight and Government Reform)
  6. H.R. 2338 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 600 Florida Avenue in Cocoa, Florida, as the "Harry T. and Harriette Moore Post Office" (Rep. Posey – Oversight and Government Reform)
  7. H.R. 3912 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 110 Mastic Road in Mastic Beach, New York, as the "Brigadier General Nathaniel Woodhull Post Office Building" (Rep. Bishop (NY) – Oversight and Government Reform)
  8. H.R. 5954 – To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 320 7th Street in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, as the "Sergeant Leslie H. Sabo, Jr. Post Office Building" (Rep. Altmire – Oversight and Government Reform)

The GOP Leadership has announced the following schedule for Thursday, November 29: The House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for legislative business. The House is expected to begin consideration of H.R. 6429 – STEM Jobs Act (Rep. Smith (TX) – Judiciary) (Subject to a Rule).

The Daily Quote

“Republican Rep. Tom Cole urged colleagues in a private session Tuesday to vote to extend the Bush tax rates for all but the highest earners before the end of the year — and to battle over the rest later. The Oklahoma Republican said in an interview with POLITICO that he believes such a vote would not violate Grover Norquist’s anti-tax pledge and that he’s not alone within Republican circles. At a meeting of the House GOP whip team earlier in the day, he made the case that Republicans would strengthen their position by joining hands with President Barack Obama now to give most taxpayers what he calls ‘an early Christmas present’ of ensuring their taxes don’t go up on Jan. 1. Cole’s position is striking because he’s hardly a ‘squish’ — Norquist’s term for a weak-kneed lawmaker — when it comes to Republican orthodoxy. Cole served as chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee and in other official posts within the party. He might also provide cover for other Republicans looking to make an agreement to avoid a sharp fall off the so-called fiscal cliff. ‘I think we ought to take the 98 percent deal right now,’ he said of freezing income tax rates for all but the top 2 percent of earners.”

-     Politico, 11/27/12