Senator Heller Speaks About the Fiscal Cliff

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Published on Nov 28, 2012 by

On the Senate floor today, U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) spoke about the fiscal cliff.

"We must move forward knowing that the only way to build a better, stronger nation is by working together and finding solutions on which both Republicans and Democrats can agree. Any solution to the impending fiscal cliff must be a bipartisan effort that fairly weighs the concerns of both parties. We must find a way to come together right now. The severe spending cuts and looming tax increases require it.

"Nevada is already struggling to overcome the highest rates of unemployment, foreclosures and bankruptcies in the nation. The threat of this fiscal cliff and any failure to find a solution would have a real and negative impact on recovery in my state. In the days following the election, I received phone calls from job creators in Nevada concerned about this fiscal cliff. These business owners told me that this fiscal cliff would be too much for Nevada. Their employees are already bearing the brunt of Congress's inaction. Find a solution, they told me, and cut a deal. The devastating effect that this fiscal cliff would have on Nevada's small businesses would simply be too much for their businesses and the small business sector in Nevada to handle.

"There are a number of issues that Republicans and Democrats can work to address immediately. First, we must stop living by a temporary tax code. Right now, there is no certainty for a small businessman or woman to grow or start a new endeavor. These men and women need to know how to plan for the future so they can invest in new equipment, new buildings and more employees.

"Second, we need fundamental tax reform. As with many small businesses across this country, businesses want nothing more than to grow, hire more people, and pass on a legacy to their children and grandchildren that shows with hard work and dedication anything is possible in America.

"As I have often said, our current tax code is too costly, too complex, and too burdensome. There is no question the tax code is unfair and needs an overhaul. Our nation is long past due for an honest discussion about how to transform our tax code into one that encourages job growth, not one that hinders it.

"Third, we need to put a stop to the ever-increasing number of regulations. Instead of encouraging businesses to develop and grow, Washington has increased their burden with miles of regulatory red tape, passed a health care law that is costing jobs, and continues with a top down Washington knows best mentality that has led to an anemic economy..."


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  • He should've concluded his speech --

    let's go on off the fiscal cliff --


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  • Great speech Senator--very proud of you!

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