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Could defense budget cuts impact the US military?


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    Rep. Mo Brooks weighs in on if defense spending cuts will cost the economy millions of jobs

  • Duration 7:15
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Alec our congressman Mo Brooks -- Republican from Alabama and most importantly is it's on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Or sorry the house armed services committee and he was just grilling some of those people you just heard about I'm hearings this morning.

Congressman thank you so much for joining us now -- say here's a story we're -- pretty significant and they were talking.

You have the defence industry executives were telling you when you when you've heard them.

While this is a continuing.

In a series of house armed services committee hearings that we've had going back to last year.

Where we try to emphasize to the public the adverse affect the sequestration can have.

On our national defense.

Today's hearing was getting his best we could it.

Testimony from individuals and the private sector who could best describe the adverse effect on America's industrial base that supports our national offense.

And also how badly misguided to sequestration policy is.

Yeah I was watching the -- this morning as well I -- you asking some questions.

What other things that they were discussing is.

When you put the national security part of it aside forget about you know how -- we defend the country they weren't talking about new massive defense cuts.

That are gonna result in layoffs.

And people are going to have to employees and defense contractors.

Or even Defense Department employees is gonna start getting pink slips in the mail.

And the next week or two.

What what what -- the implication that they were giving you -- this is gonna have on the economy and on the politics your congressman Europe for reelection.

What happens come November if -- a lot of people and some of those districts have just been told -- out of a job.

Well first let me talk about the numbers.

House armed services committee is estimated that one of the options under sequestration.

Is strictly personnel cuts.

Under that scenario you're talking about 700000.

Uniformed personnel.

DOD civilian support workers and private sector support workers losing their jobs 700000.

To put that into perspective last month our economy generated -- thousand jobs and so this is at least a ten month period time.

In which we would at best be holding -- Then you -- into that the multiplier effect with the national association of manufactures talking about.

Over a million private sector jobs that will be lost so we're here talking about a big hit -- American economy.

His sequestration goes into effect for example in Virginia alone over a 100000 jobs are estimated that to be lost now the political consequences of all that.

-- that depends on how the public interprets what's going on.

I hope they'll adopt the view that I share with many other -- in the United States congress.

And that is national offense is the number one priority of the federal government it's in the constitution it's our obligation.

Yet we have a White House in United States senate that readily.

Want to put our national security at risk and cost America in excess of a million jobs.

They hearings today we're focusing on the defense industry and the cuts and -- the personnel and defense industry ramifications but as you said you've been having a series of hearings.

On the national security implications of this.

Kind of 'cause you're talking about what credit capabilities are we gonna do without if we have these cuts you know we're -- to Asia but at the same time in the last week.

In the last 48 hours with -- crisis in the Persian golf and yet we're gonna talk about a much smaller -- walk us through that.

Sure you're talking about America having the smallest army since -- to the smallest navy.

Since World War I and the smallest air force in the history of our country those are big impacts on our ability to project power and influence.

As we try to preserve peace around the world.

One analogy is to look at the capabilities.

The United States and our defense.

Estimates are that this sequestration.

Or reduce America's national defense capabilities -- roughly 25%.

That's up big yet.

Okay -- and then when you're out taking part and -- 20% to experiment right.

This is I'm talking to you just like I'm -- you're on television news but we have an audience -- participates in the conversation.

So one of -- viewers has just sent me a question to ask you.

-- as I've got a question for the congressman.

What is the effect of China's action with all of our allies in the South China Sea what every time we have a fleet exercise.

They sailed -- ships up uninvited -- worries were conducting.

A military exercise right now our around Hawaii once they effect of the Chinese navy our western Pacific and South China -- abilities.

Well due to bad economic policies by this administration and this congress over significant number of years.

We have strength in the Chinese economy.

As the Chinese economy has strengthened that is enabled them to flex their muscles so to speak is they build up their military and what you're seeing are signs of that.

In the western.

-- excuse me the western Pacific Ocean.

And the gentleman or lady I can't tell who made the caller.

I gave you content and presidents -- well -- came from a way to look at a well.

It emphasizes.

What is transpiring as America's growing weaker.

Because of unsound economic policies because of deficits and debts that are accumulating.

Other nations are going to flex their muscles and trying to increase their sphere of influence as America's sphere of influence declines.

I'm one of those that -- again very strongly that we have to have.

As -- national offenses is necessary to ensure without doubt that America is secure in the things that we do not only at home but also abroad.

Unfortunately this sequestration -- has been foisted upon us by Harry Reid and the senate Democrats along with the president of states it's very counterproductive it puts us at risk.

In enables our photos.

To do what you're seeing now with China.

To tell us about the crisis in May and AM Persian gulf very we're sending them.

I'm not an aircraft carrier their earlier than anticipated -- ahead of schedule.

In order to keep two carriers in the region as we rotate two of them out.

-- be able to -- this -- of -- kind of defense we're talking about -- talking about -- five years from now.

It's sequestration does in fact take place you're looking at the cancellation or moth balling of one maybe two carrier battle groups not just the aircraft carrier.

But all the supporting vessels.

When you lose those kinds of capabilities.

You also lose the capability heard -- have a diminished capacity.

Protecting the sea lanes in places like the Persian gulf that supply so much oil that is vital to the world's economy.

I don't know what's gonna happen.

After sequestration.

If the United States no longer has the capability.

Of influencing Persian gulf events and keeping that supply of oil available.

To everyone that concerns that are on the --

Okay will be talking to congressman Mel -- Republican of Alabama house armed services committee member in what is a very busy day and I know you've carved out the time for us.

Between votes in between hearings and being on the hot seat so thank you so much for your time and come back and talk to us again but we figure out whether sequestration is gonna happen.