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Missing Assets FY2012

Instructions for reviewing department asset information.

1. Click on the link below to open the Excel spreadsheet. This will download the spreadsheet for your use.

2. Click on the data filter (down arrow) in the Custodian DeptID field.

Select your Department DeptID number and name.

3. At the bottom of your listing of assets, totals are provided for RFID retagging and missing assets declared by the department.

Box 1 - Provides the percentage of missing assets for your department.

Missing years are listed as 2010 and 2011. Assets declared missing in 2010 are removed from inventory by State Property Accounting and are subject to the state policy "Appropriation Reductions for Lost Property" if the amount of missing property exceeds 2% of UNTHSC's inventory.

Box 2 - Provides the percentage of your assets of your assets retagged with RFID tags.

R12 is used to identify the assets retagged with a RFID tag.

4. The "End User" field is provided to show the assigned individual to the asset. Identifying the "End User" allows for locating assets efficiently.

Corrections for the "End User" can be submitted by e-mail to the Property Control e-mail address:


Assets used by a single individual should be assigned as the "End User".

Principal Investigators should be assigned as the "End User" in their labs.

The Principal Investigator may assign lab personnel as "End Users".

Supervisors or managers should be assigned as the "End User" for assets shared by more than one individual.

An individual may be assigned as the "End User" by the supervisor or manager.

Multiple workstations in area such as training labs should be assigned to the individual responsible for replacement, repair, or location changes.



This page last updated Nov 16, 2012
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