
Change the tax conversation

By Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.) - 10/01/12 10:00 AM ET

What if we could change the conversation about taxes?

What if we could restructure the tax code to be so simple that you to do your taxes at home, without requiring the use of a professional? What if tax rates were low enough that you didn’t have to search frantically for another deduction every year?

House Republicans are striving for exactly these principles in the new Tax Reform Bill for 2013. (We’ve already passed many of the proposals that will be in next year’s bill, but the Senate has refused to take them up.)

In a February testimony before the House Budget Committee, Treasury Secretary Paul Geithner himself stated that a bipartisan consensus for tax reform should include a broadening of the tax base and a lowering of individual rates.

The Republican Tax Reform Bill acknowledges that “[T]he tax code is unfair, containing hundreds of provisions that only benefit certain special interests, resulting in a system of winners and losers.

"…[it] violates the fundamental principle of equal justice by subjecting families in similar circumstances to significantly different tax bills."

Republicans plan to consolidate the current six individual income tax brackets into just two low brackets of 10 and 25 percent.

Loopholes for corporations would come to an end under this bill. For example, the plan would end once and for all the special interest subsidies, like those the administration gave to Solyndra.

The bill would also move us away from a “worldwide” system of taxation – which double taxes American companies competing in overseas markets – to a more competitive, pro-job creating “territorial” tax system that puts our companies on a level playing field with foreign competitors.

It’s important to note that ideas from the American people form the basis of the plan. The House Ways & Means Committee held a number of public hearings, and then incorporated these ideas into the Republican tax reform bill.

According to the Small Business Administration, small businesses create two out of every three new jobs. For this reason, I think it’s also especially important to get input from small business owners on any proposed changes to the tax code.

I’m proud to report that the bill is supported by such reputable entities as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, one of the largest nationwide business organizations.

Jim Blasingame, president of the Small Business Network Inc., is also in favor of tax reform. He explains the current conundrum of employers across the country:

“The micro is how do I make payroll on Friday? The macro is what’s the government doing? How’s a business going to make payroll on Friday and a year from now?”

On a more urgent note, failure to at least stop the impending January tax increases would have devastating effects on families.

A single mom earning $36,000 per year could pay more than $1,100 in higher taxes. This would nearly double her tax liability.

A family of four earning $50,000 per year could pay more than $2,200 in higher taxes. That’s a nearly five-fold increase.

Reforming the tax code is the right and fair thing to do, and it will also encourage job growth- in contrast to inaction, which would cost 700,000 jobs according to Ernst & Young. That’s why I’m in strong support of the plan passed by the House and planned for re-introduction next year.

Hultgren represents the 14th Congressional District of Illinois.


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