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Address to the Millennium Challenge Corporation

Secretary Clinton (Nov. 27): "In this Administration under President Obama, we’ve tried to put forth a new policy on development that really focuses on results, and MCC has been one of the foundational institutions that has given us the base for moving forward." Full Text»

International Council on Women's Business Leadership

Secretary Clinton (Nov. 27): "The ultimate goal of the council is to develop a platform for putting forth policy recommendations, programs, and activities that empower women and promote gender equality...." Full Text»

Date: 11/27/2012 Description: Secretary Clinton (second from left) hosts the second meeting of the International Council on Women's Business Leadership at the State Department. - State Dept Image

Global Philanthropy

Nov. 27: The State Department's Global Philanthropy Working Group is focused on creating a global ecosystem that promotes philanthropy and encourages a culture of giving abroad. DipNote»

Date: 01/24/2012 Description: Toy models left by visitors of designs for products that could help solve world problems are seen in front of a wall of self-made photo portraits of other visitors at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Visitors Center in Seattle, Washington, Jan. 24, 2012. © AP Image

In Other News

Daily Press Briefing: South China Sea Tensions

Spokesperson Nuland (Nov. 27): "We do have concerns about this map which is causing tension and anxiety between and among the states in the South China Sea. We do intend to raise this with the Chinese in terms of it not being helpful to the environment." Full Text»

20th Anniversary Celebration of GLIFAA

On Wednesday, November 28, Secretary Clinton will deliver remarks at the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies (GLIFAA). More»

2012 Saban Forum

On Friday, November 30, Secretary Clinton will deliver keynote remarks at the opening Gala Dinner of the 2012 Saban Forum, hosted by the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. More»

2012 Awards for Corporate Excellence

On Wednesday, November 28, Secretary Clinton will present the 14th annual Secretary of State’s Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE) at the State Department. More»

Creating an AIDS-free Generation

On Thursday November 29, Secretary Clinton will commemorate World AIDS Day 2012 and unveil the PEPFAR Blueprint: Creating an AIDS-free Generation. More»

Grants To Address Gender-Based Violence

Nov. 27: Ambassador-at-large Verveer announced $3 million in small grants awarded to dozens of grassroots organizations working to prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) around the world, with a link to HIV prevention, treatment and care. More»


Date: 11/15/2011 Description: "Serving Abroad...Through Their Eyes"  - State Dept Image
Serving Abroad...Through Their Eyes

Military, Civil and Foreign Service personnel submitted photographs illustrating their lives while serving abroad. Photo Gallery»

Date: 10/31/2012 Description: The Great Seal. - State Dept Image

The State Department is developing and continuing to enhance several website features to improve customer service. Read how»

Date: 11/15/2012 Description: Celebrating Veterans Day 2012: Denita Zelk.  - State Dept Image
Veterans Month 2012

Denita Zelk retired after twenty years of service as a master sergeant from the United States Army. More»

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month: Dr. Sharri Clark - State Dept Image
Native American Heritage Month 2012

 Sharri Clark is a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. More»

Date: 07/05/2012 Description: Screenshot of MyStateDepartment v1.1. - State Dept Image
My State Department

A new "What's New" widget has been added to My State Department. Check it out to see the top issues of the day. More»

Date: 09/13/2012 Description: Members of the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB), chaired by former Secretary of Defense William Perry, meet with Acting Under Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC, on September 13, 2012.  - State Dept Image
State @ Work

Members of the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB), meet with Acting Under Secretary Rose Gottemoeller at the Department of State. More»

Date: November 2012 State Magazine. Description: Alumni from around the world convene for a youth global conference. State Department photo.
Networking Works

Read about how the State Department engages alumni of exchange programs in shaping, supporting, and informing public diplomacy. More»

Date: 02/09/2011 Description: QR Code for - State Dept Image for Mobile

Get foreign policy information on your handheld device by scanning in the above QR code or visiting m.state.govOther Government apps»

Date: 06/14/2011 Description: Logo for App: State Department Seal and stylized image of an airplane in flight. - State Dept Image
Smart Traveler App

"Smart Traveler" for iPhone and Android is for U.S. travelers going abroad.  More» Other Government apps»


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