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[–]DianaReid 2 points3 points ago

The last thing this country needs now is to burden us with more rules/regulations. The internet is the best place to go to get everything done such as paying bills, shopping, job searches, reaching out to any business or government agency and person there is, along with the great benefits of learning with the world at your finger tips. I love the freedom we have using the internet and I do not want to lose it.

[–]Darrell_Issa[S] 0 points1 point ago

Diana. You said it much better than I ever could. That’s why I shared the draft legislation and am doing this AMA here on reddit, that’s why I fought hard against SOPA and PIPA, and that’s why I continue to fight for Internet freedom here in Washington. "I love the freedom we have using the Internet and I do not want to lose it." A+

If you'd be willing, I'd appreciate your thoughts/edits/questions/suggestions on the draft bill over in Madison, too. Thanks and take care. Darrell

[–]EddyBernays 1 point2 points ago

You didn't have to come to reddit to get something that watered down.

[–]EddyBernays -1 points0 points ago

You didn't have to come to reddit to get something that watered down.