
White House Unaware Obama Wants To Close Down Ohio Air Base He Will Land At Tomorrow

goprapidresponsegoprapidresponse·844 videos
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Published on Jul 31, 2012

Jay Carney says that he is unaware that the Obama administration wants to close the Air Force Base that Obama will land at tomorrow in Mansfield, OH (July 31, 2012).

To find out more about how Obama 's cuts will close down bases like Mansfield, visit http://bit.ly/MQkqrF

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  • Josh Bo

    That Obama mouthpiece is such an arrogant a**hole.

    He represents his master well.


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  • 3martijns

    Jaybird's Only Job is to Distract, Spin, and Deflect obama's Problems!


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All Comments (17)

  • Luzia Rifkowitz

    Jane Mansfield is the short answer....


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  • UmbraRex90

    No fuck off !


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    in reply to JeremyTheMoose(Show the comment)
  • JeremyTheMoose

    once again he works for the same globalists that will carry out the new world order WAKE UP and vote for ron paul!!


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    in reply to 1trojantjl(Show the comment)
  • IruleOverProgressive

    Is this White House really aware of anything other than keeping their "masters" happy ie.....whack jack environmentalists, banks, Saudi Arabia, Hollywood and Mooooochele! Gotta keep Mooooochele happy. I can't imagine the fear Barry must feel when his upright Rhino wife doesn't get her Oreo cookies and milk for mid night snacks.


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  • memama2

    If PresidentHopeNGrovel closes all these military bases and puts millions out of work? How does that help the American economic picture....(they can't get a job at Keystone site)


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  • arkivx0

    The Choom gang strikes again!


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  • ladyandcookie

    Oh my word, this the Spokes Kid is clueless and an idiot!


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