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7 December 2012

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New Twists in the Political Crisis in São Tomé & Príncipe

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One week after a censure measure by opposition parties passed in Parliament against the minority government of São Tomé and Principe, the President formally removed the government. Online reactions took no time at all, in the midst of the storm that threatens the political stability of the country.

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Brazil Bids Farewell to Niemeyer, Revolutionary of Modern Architecture

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Remembered primarily as the architect who designed Brazil's capital city, Brasília, and for having remained faithful to his communist ideals throughout his entire adult life, Oscar Niemeyer passed away on the night of December 5 in Rio de Janeiro after succumbing to a respiratory infection. He was 104 years old.

Day 2 of Developing Latin America 2012

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Last Sunday December 2 saw the completion of day 2 of the regional hackathon Developing Latin America 2012, organised by the Ciudadano Inteligente Foundation in eight Latin American countries. After 36 hours of intense and continuous work, the teams participating in the various headquarters began the presentations of their projects in order to later find out the jurys' decision. Here we present the winners from the different headquarters.

Why Are Rich Chinese Entrepreneurs Leaving China?

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Chinese entrepreneurs are leaving China. According a survey, conducted by China Merchants Bank and Bain & Co., 27% of entrepreneurs worth over 100 million RMB have already emigrated and 47% of them are considering moving abroad. The growing trend is nurturing resentment among Chinese citizens.

6 December 2012

Sex Tapes of Chinese Official and Anti-Corruption Fight

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While the Chinese Communist Party (CCP chief secretary's anti-corruption talk still lingered in our ears, an obscene sex tape of former Chongqin CCP Secretary went viral online and within 63 hours he was sacked. People wonder the CCP really serious about anti-corruption work?

New Technologies Monitor Ghana Elections 2012

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As Ghanaians get ready to go to the polls that will be held on 7 December 2012, we would like to point out local initiatives using new technologies to ensure free and fair elections. One such initiative is Ghana Votes 2012, which uses a Ushahidi-based map to display election related reports.

Counting the Hours Before Ghana's Presidential Elections

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It is just one day to Ghana's election day and campaigns are intensifying – some early morning street campaigns are accompanied by horn blowing, loud singing and clapping. Some people are proudly wearing party-affiliated shirts around town while others are taking the subtle route of keeping it private.

Death of Colombian Football Player Miguel Calero Shakes Mexico

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Mexicans expressed their support and solidarity on Twitter after learning that Colombian and former football player Miguel Calero had been declared brain dead. Hours after this post was published in Spanish, the Pachuca Football Club announced Calero had passed away.

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7D: Argentina Prepares for New Media Law

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On December 7, 2012, the new Media Law will come into full effect in Argentina. The date is known as 7D. What do the media, government and citizens think about this new law?

The Many Faces of Everyday Violence Against Women

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The United Nations General Assembly designated November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Abdoulaye Bah gives an overview of reactions in the francophone blogosphere on this important day.

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