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Posted: September 05, 2006

Haider Joins University of North Texas Health Science Center

KanwalHaider.jpg Kanwal Haider, MD, has joined UNT Health Science Center as assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry.

Prior to joining the health science center, Dr. Haider lived in Islamabad, Pakistan, where she served as an instructor in the biochemistry department of Shifa College of Medicine, as a family physician at Chenar Surgical Center, as a medical officer and registrar at Children’s Hospital at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, and as a family physician at Rafiq Nursing Home.

Dr. Haider earned a doctor of medicine degree from King Edward Medical College in Pakistan. She graduated from the psychiatry program at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth. She received the Chief Resident Operation, Outstanding Psychiatric Resident and Outstanding Psychiatric Intern awards during her psychiatry residency at John Peter Smith Hospital.

She currently lives in Fort Worth with her two teenage children, Ali and Maryam.


Contact: Lauren LaFleur 817-735-5152, email llafleur@hac.unt.edu

If you are with the media and need additional information or would like to arrange an interview, please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at 817-735-2446.


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