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Posted: August 29, 2000


FORT WORTH, Texas—The University of North Texas Health Science Center is the only recipient of this year’s Medical School Award from the Texas Academy of Family Physicians (TAFP).

The award is presented annually to medical schools who have at least 25 percent of their graduating students entering family practice residencies. For the class of 2000, the UNT Health Science Center had 35 percent of its graduates enter family practice residencies.

This is the seventh consecutive year that the health science center has received the award.

"Every year, we add to the ranks of physicians working in Family Practice in Texas communities," said Samuel T. Coleridge, DO, chair of the UNTHSC department of family medicine. "UNTHSC graduates are helping alleviate the shortage of family practice physicians throughout the state."

"We continue to encourage medical students to enter Family Practice," said Dr. Marvin Purvis, TAFP president. "It is an honor to recognize the University of North Texas Health Science Center. They have shared this vision and are committed to producing the family physicians of tomorrow."

The award was presented during TAFP’s 51st Annual Session July 27-30, 2000, in Arlington.

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