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[Fields of Study] 

Roberto Cardarelli, D.O., M.P.H., F.A.A.F.P.
Director, Primary Care Research Institute

Kim Fulda, DrPH, Graduate Advisor
Associate Director, Primary Care Research Institute

Graduate Faculty: Cardarelli, Cage, Dayberry, Franks, Fulda, Sanders, Schranz

Primary Care Clinical Research - Dual Degree D.O. / M.S.

The Primary Care Clinical Research program, administered by the Department of Family Medicine, is designed to provide select osteopathic medical students with the research training, experience, and mentoring necessary to pursue a career in clinical research or academic medicine.

The program offers research practica and mentoring in projects undertaken by many of the family medicine faculty, plus other collaborating investigators within the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and the School of Public Health.

At entry to medical school and throughout the medical curriculum, each student will establish collaborative research relationships with faculty members within the Department of Family medicine and other departments of the health science center. These relationships will enable the student to become part of research teams working on various projects relative to family medicine, primary care, and osteopathic medicine.

As part of the program, students will complete the requirements for the Master of Science in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. This program is offered to provide students with clinical research training pertinent to family medicine and other issues involving primary care and osteopathic medicine. This degree affords students an opportunity to acquire the didactic training needed to complement their research practica.

The formal presentations and courses in the program are designed to give the student a knowledge base in clinical research design; evidence-based medicine; biostatistics and epidemiology, policies, procedures and compliance issues relevant to human subjects research and responsible conduct of research; scientific communications and writing; and educational methodologies for becoming an effective instructor.

Course Requirements

It is anticipated that a student will be able to complete the M.S. degree requirements within the five years allocated to medical school. Below is a list of the required courses for both degree programs:

Primary Care Clinical Research - Dual Degree D.O. / M.S.

Required Courses

BMSC 5300 Biostatistics for Public Health I (School of Public Health)   3 SCH
BIOS 5310 Biostatistics for Public Health II (School of Public Health Course)   3 SCH
BMSC 5310 Scientific Communications   3 SCH
BMSC 5121 Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues for Responsible Clinical Research   2 SCH

BMSC 5350

Principles of Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine

  3 SCH

FMED 5140

Family Medicine Research Colloquium

  3 SCH

FMED 5390

Special Problems in Family Medicine Research

  3 SCH

BMSC 5395


  6 SCH


Advanced Standing from TCOM

30 SCH



32 SCH

Primary Care Clinical Research - Dual Degree D.O. / Ph.D.

Primary Care Clinical Research - Dual Degree D.O. / Ph.D

Required Courses

BMSC 5400 Biostatistics for Biomedical Sciences   4 SCH
BIOS 5310 Biostatistics for Public Health II (School of Public Health Course)   3 SCH
BIOS 6300 Applied Statistical Methods for Data Analysis   3 SCH
BMSC 5310 Scientific Communications   3 SCH
BMSC 5110 Evaluation and Instruction in Teaching   1 SCH
BMSC 5120 Issues in Higher Professional Education   1 SCH
BMSC 5203 Regulation of Human Subject Research   2 SCH
BMSC 5312 Introduction to Clinical Research and Studies   3 SCH
BMSC 5231 Introduction to Health Disparities Issues in the United States   2 SCH

BMSC 6310

Grant Writing

  3 SCH

EPID 5300 Principles of Epidemiology   3 SCH

EPID 5310

Intermediate Epidemiology

  3 SCH

FMED 5140

Family Medicine Research Colloquium

  3 SCH

FMED 5300

Principles of Primary Care Research

  3 SCH

FMED 5100

Primary Care Research Seminar/Journal Club

  1 SCH

BMSC 6998

Individual Research

10 SCH

BMSC 6395 Doctoral Dissertation 12 SCH


Advanced Standing from TCOM

30 SCH



90 SCH


This page last updated Aug 31, 2011
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