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Board of Regents to consider merger of UNT, UNT Health Science Center

Lee JacksonAugust 10, 2012

Dear UNT System Community,

Today, the agenda for next week’s UNT System Board of Regents quarterly meeting will be posted.  It includes a particular agenda item of interest to everyone on our Denton and Fort Worth campuses.

At its Aug. 16 meeting, the Board will consider a proposal to study the possibility of combining the University of North Texas in Denton and the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth into a single academic institution (this proposal will not affect the structure or programs of UNT Dallas). 

In many states, particularly those with highly successful research universities, the functions found in health science centers have often been contained inside a public university, and both the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University are currently considering similar proposals.

A combined entity has the potential to enhance the academic reputations of both UNT in Denton and the UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth, increasing national and international research funding, improving faculty and professional staff recruitment and retention.  Combining the two institutions has the potential to advance the success of UNT and UNT Health Science Center students, faculty members and the communities they serve.

I have discussed these possibilities with both President Rawlins and President Ransom, and they are committed to giving this issue careful thought over the next several months.

There are many issues in this possible consolidation of UNT and the UNT Health Science Center that will need to be assessed should the Board authorize this study, and we will continue to explore all ways to fulfill the important goals of our institutions.  Any recommended changes must be beneficial to UNT, UNTHSC, our surrounding communities, and the State of Texas.

Any study authorized by the Board will require thoughtful planning, careful consultation, transparency, and disclosure with potentially affected constituencies.  I pledge to respond to any concerns and questions and to keep the UNT System community informed.  If the Board votes to authorize the study, I expect to provide a preliminary report by its November 2012 meeting.


Lee F. Jackson

Posted on: Fri 10 August 2012

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