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Outstanding employees honored at President's Staff Sack Lunch

Provost Warren Burggren, Joanna Hussey, President V. Lane RawlinsOutstanding employee and department awards were presented at the Oct. 23 President's Staff Sack Lunch.

Here are award presenters, divisions and recipients:

Warren Burggren, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, presented outstanding employee award to Joanna Hussey, administrative assistant, in the Office of the Provost, and to the Willis Library Facilities and Systems group, represented by Scott Jackson. Above, Burggren, Hussey and President V. Lane Rawlins.

Andrew Harris, vice president for finance and administration, presented awards to Matt Moncus, Risk Management, and to the Facilities Department utilities staff, represented by Randy Fite.

Elizabeth With, vice president for the Division of Student Affairs, presented outstanding employee awards to Zane Dodd, counseling and testing, and to the Department of Student Health and Wellness, represented by Herschel Voorhees.

  • Find Soaring Eagle and Star Performer awards in the HR Connections newsletters.
  • Find photos of honored employees in Share Photos, View Photos.

(Photos by Gary Payne)

Posted on: Mon 12 November 2012