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Forms & Documents
Title Description Who Should Download?

Joint-Sponsor Questionnaire (PDF document)

Use this form if you are interested in collaborating with UNTHSC on CE activities Potential joint sponsors

Joint-Sponsor Activity Questionnaire (Word Document)

Use this form to request UNTHSC review a proposed activity for potential joint sponsorship or co-providership. Potential joint sponsors or others with an idea for an activity that meets an identified need.

Performance Improvement CME Request

Performance improvement (PI) CME activities describe structured, long term processes by which a physician or group of physicians can learn about specific performance measures, retrospectively assess their practice, apply these measures prospectively over a useful interval, and re-evaluate their performance. Anyone with an idea or specific need for a continuing education activity

AOA Preceptor Credit Reporting Form

Department liaisons should use this form to report preceptor credit to the PACE Office. Clinical/Educational Department Liaisons

AOA Teaching Credit Reporting Form

Department liaisons should use this form to report teaching credit earned by faculty members to the PACE Office. Clinical/Educational Department Liaisons

AOA Healthcare Facility Report

Hospital Education Representatives with whom PACE works should use this form to report educational activities at a healthcare facility. Hospital Education Representatives

Credit Request Form

Use this form to request credit for a UNTHSC-sponsored activity you have attended if you have misplaced the form you received at the activity. Healthcare providers requesting credit for a CME or CE activity

PRA AMA Category 2 Self-Documentation Form

Use this form to document PRA AMA Category 2 credits in your files AMA-member physicians who have earned category 2 CME credits (not sponsored by an accredited provider)

Faculty Expense Report Form

General form for faculty members requesting travel expenses or speaker fees CME or CE faculty members who have misplaced the original expense report

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Resolution Policy

UNTHSC's policy on identification and resolution of conflict of interest Any internal or external presenter, reviewer, writer, planning committee member or joint sponsor.

Blank Letter of Agreement

UNTHSC's standard Letter of Agreement for Commercial Support Potential commercial supporters

Faculty Disclosure Form

Faculty disclosure and conflict resolution form Presenters at a CME or CE activity.

Monograph Request

Use this form to suggest a CME-certified printed monograph. Original authors or co-authors

Call for Presentations

Use this form to submit a CME-or CE-certified presentation you would like to provide. Potential presenters

Transcript/Certificate Request (fax)

Request a transcript or certificate for UNTHSC-sponsored activities Activity participants

ACCME Standards of Commercial Support

The most current Standards of Commercial Support released by the ACCME Commercial supporters, joint sponsors and/or attendees

CME/CEU Requirements by State

A listing of CME requirements by state Physicians
Rand Horsman Staff Scholarship $1,000 scholarship to provide assistance for a Health Science Center (HSC) employee and/or an employee’s dependent who are continuing their education. Health Science Center (HSC) employee and/or an employee’s dependent who are continuing their education

This page last updated Oct 19, 2012
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