
Fusing right into the band

Fri, Nov 16, 2012 - 3:16pm

Mike Stern isn’t a showoff when the moment for improvisation hits the six-time Grammy nominee and jazz fusion guitarist.

Instead, he just lets his skilled fingers do the walking, improvising sensible, ear-charming phrasing in the style called for — whether it’s the groovy pop of Blood, Sweat and Tears or the attitude of rock ’n’ roll in a straightforward song of his own making.

Stern will join the University of North Texas’ One O’clock Lab Band at 8 p.m. Tuesday at Winspear Hall at the Murchison Performing Arts Center.

“Mike is simply one of the most renowned modern jazz guitarists on the planet, coming to...

Wind symphony to stage ambitious Prokofiev work

Fri, Nov 16, 2012 - 3:15pm

The University of North Texas Wind Symphony will present one of the few American live performances of Sergei Prokofiev’s Ode to the End of War at 7:30 p.m. today in the Murchison Performing Arts Center.

The Wind Symphony is under the direction of Eugene Migliaro Corporon, regents professor of music.

Prokofiev’s Ode to the End of War, written in 1945, calls for an exceptional ensemble — eight harps and four grand pianos in addition to the wind symphony.

“I know of no other wind band pieces with this many harps, as well as original parts for saxophone, which is highly original in orchestral writing,” Corporon...

Community salutes veterans

Tue, Nov 13, 2012 - 1:30pm

Veterans, family and community members gathered on the lawn of the Denton County Courthouse on the Square on Monday to shine the spotlight on veterans for their service and sacrifice.

A number of speakers took to the lectern, talking about the importance of that sacrifice, the importance of helping returning veterans and how honoring veterans can help contribute to the ranks in the years to come.

“We are a nation, and a nation of people supports its people,” said Angela Shinn after the ceremony. Shinn is the women veterans coordinator for the Texas Veterans Commission and a 34-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force. “...

Jerry Jones: 'I'm just getting started,' after Lifetime Achievement award

Mon, Nov 12, 2012 - 10:39am

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says he owes his kitchen table education as a youngster for his success as an entrepreneur.

"My mom and dad were entrepreneurs and they spoke around the table...there's no question that it shaped my thinking," said Jones to several hundred attendees at the annual University of...

Hughes speaks at UNT

Mon, Nov 12, 2012 - 10:27am

DALLAS — Former U.S. Ambassador Karen Hughes and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones talked about the “can do” spirit of entrepreneurialism during the University of North Texas Murphy Center for Entrepreneurship leadership luncheon Friday.

“Politics is in many ways an entrepreneurial endeavor,” Hughes said, and it takes risk and putting their names in the public to become politicians.

Hughes, who started her career in broadcast journalism in Fort Worth, shared stories from her time as director of former President George W. Bush’s campaign for governor of Texas and her time as a counselor to Bush while he was president...