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Rangel Response To President's Speech On Fiscal Cliff

Washington, D.C., - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement in response to President Barack Obama's speech on the fiscal cliff after his meeting with top business leaders at the White House to discuss ways to keep the economy growing:

"I couldn't agree more with the President. When the American people speak loudly, Congress acts. House Democrats have been ready to work across the aisle to reach a balanced agreement that will create jobs and grow the economy to reduce the debt.  We call on House Republican leaders to take action today to protect jobs by passing the middle class tax cut already approved by the Senate, which President Obama has promised to sign immediately.  Further delay is unnecessary and harmful to our economy.

As the President has urged, we must take immediate bipartisan action in the House to help American families prepare for the holiday season and instill confidence to small businesses by passing the middle class tax cut.  By ensuring that taxes do not go up on by the end of year on those making less than $250,000 a year, we will be providing 98 percent of Americans and 97 percent of small businesses with peace of mind.

On Election Day, Americans have made it loud and clear that we must work together to address the fiscal cliff by finding a balanced solution.  My Democratic Colleagues and President Obama are committed to reaching a balanced agreement that will create jobs, strengthen the middle class and grow the economy in order to reduce the deficit, while asking millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share."




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