Jim Himes

Jim Himes


Congressman proudly representing Connecticut's 4th

CT and DC · http://twitter.com/jahimes

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Would like Simpson Bowles better if they would play something besides songs from their "Rumors" album. Or is that Fleetwood Mac?

Speaker Boehner made that comment in introducing the 19 middle aged white men that will chair House committees in the next Congress.

Speaker Boehner: "The House of Representatives is an outpost in Democratic-controlled Washington for the priorities of the American people"

Speaking of heretical, or rather, interecclesiastical tension, it's going to be interesting to watch the Dorothy Day canonization process.

Yes, and my daughters are locked in the attic“: can you publicly announce that one direction is in CT thanks congressman”

But what I'm really happy about is the bag of Doritos I'm opening. Tho the weather outside is frightful, in here it's just delightful...

Yikes. And the other party?“: you r the only democratic politician I don't have to defend at the thanksgiving table this year.”


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