Get Your Financial Aid Questions Answered During #AskFAFSA Office Hours!

Tired of waiting in line at the financial aid office? Get your questions answered during #AskFAFSA Office Hours on Twitter!

OFFICE HOURS PROMOOn Wednesday, November 28th at 5:30pm ET, join @FAFSA as we host #AskFAFSA Office Hours live from the Federal Student Aid Fall Conference, where we will have a room full of financial aid professionals ready to answer your financial aid questions live on Twitter.

Here’s how it works:

  • Have questions about financial aid? You can start submitting your questions on Twitter today. Be sure to include the #AskFAFSA hashtag in your tweets. We will be accepting questions on Twitter from now through Wednesday.
  • On Wednesday, November  28th, at 5:30pm ET, follow @FAFSA or the #AskFAFSA hashtag on Twitter to join the conversation. We’ll be answering your questions live.
  • Can’t make the live session? A summary of #AskFAFSA Office Hours, including the full Q&A, will be posted on Storify following the event.

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6 Responses to Get Your Financial Aid Questions Answered During #AskFAFSA Office Hours!

  1. Eric says:

    I really wish ED could have kicked off this initiative without throwing college financial aid offices under the bus. Your graphic, with it’s “Tired of waiting in line at the financial aid office?” tagline is a cheap shot. I work at a college of 19k students. We were open for business for 9 hours on 11/28, and just like most days, at no time was there a line of students waiting for help in our lobby. (And you can bet students and parents got answers from us that were more than 140 characters in length.)

  2. Peter says:

    Most Masters degree programs require a student a student to complete their Masters degree programs in 8 years or less. If you start a Masters degree program complete a semester(Fall2001)than go to work return to school 10 years later(Fall2011). Can the Two grades that you received be used to deny an individual financial aid in a different Masters degree program at the same university. Even if you are telling the school the grades you are baseing your decision on aren’t the ones I earned 10 years ago.

  3. Willie says:

    Can a online college used your pell grant when you tell them you want it to come to you? I was told that they can do what ever they want with my pell grant it is not up to me. I was told to withdraw and find another online school, I am disabled.

  4. geannette says:

    I haven’t being able to start studies because in my federal aid application my personal information does not match with my social security number. I visit the social security office in PR and the officer did not found any problem. He gave me the certification letter stating that my social security match my personal information. What else should I do?

  5. Anita Young says:

    I noticed that a person’s financial aide can be reduced if they have taught a certain amount of years in a low income (Title 1) school district. Can you check to see if my school district falls under this title? It is Anton ISD in Anton Texas. We have gone to one campus because of money. We are also Title 1. I have taught here twenty three years.

    Thank you,
    Anita Young

  6. Derrick says:

    Has student- loan fraud been reduced, now that the Department of Education is very active in the lending process?