News Archive

GOP: Talks may extend past Christmas, still ‘serious differences’
Russell Berman - 12/12/12 10:39 AM ET
The briefing from House GOP leaders left rank-and-file pessimistic about the effort to avoid the "fiscal cliff."…
Obama lags Bush, Clinton in nominating second-term Cabinet
Amie Parnes and Karissa Straughen - 12/12/12 05:00 AM ET
President Obama hasn’t nominated anyone to his second-term Cabinet more than a month after his reelection.…
They may not be home for holidays
Molly K. Hooper - 12/12/12 05:00 AM ET
Weary lawmakers and congressional staffers are making backup vacation plans, preparing to work over the holidays. …
Both sides edging toward deal in deficit-reduction negotiations
Alexander Bolton - 12/11/12 08:05 PM ET
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and President Obama again spoke to one another Tuesday night.…
GOP bloc: Block tax-rate hike
Russell Berman - 12/11/12 08:05 PM ET
“It’s a joke to go down this road. You just can’t,” Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio) said. …
Catch limit proposed for Pacific bluefin
Megan R. Wilson - 12/11/12 07:34 PM ET
The National Marine Fisheries Services has moved to impose catch limits on commercial bluefin tuna fishing in the eastern portion…
New marijuana laws cause confusion
Jordy Yager - 12/11/12 07:25 PM ET
The newly enacted laws in Colorado and Washington state put President Obama in a tricky spot. …
Speaker Boehner issues curt reply to conservatives stripped from committees
Russell Berman - 12/11/12 06:55 PM ET
The Republican Steering Committee voted to remove Reps. Huelskamp, Schweikert and Amash from their posts on influential committees.…
Hoyer: Boehner's speech was 'disappointing,' 'not particularly helpful'
Mike Lillis - 12/11/12 02:53 PM ET
The Democratic whip says if Republicans want spending cuts in a fiscal package, they'll have to start proposing them themselves.…
Boehner calls on Obama to ‘get serious’ in talks about federal spending cuts
Russell Berman - 12/11/12 12:19 PM ET
In a rare floor speech Tuesday, Boehner indicated there had been little progress on reaching a deficit deal.…

Current and Previous Articles

12/11/12 05:00 AM ET Spotlight not pointed at Cantor
12/11/12 05:00 AM ET Rubio, McCain huddle on immigration reform
12/11/12 05:00 AM ET Both White House and GOP deficit plans put nation’s credit rating at risk
12/11/12 05:00 AM ET K Street’s take on House GOP $800B tax revenue offer: ‘In Boehner We Trust’
12/11/12 05:00 AM ET DeMint could be a force backing candidates in 2014 election
12/10/12 08:31 PM ET Obama jumps headfirst into fight over Michigan 'right-to-work' law
12/10/12 07:25 PM ET Reg Watch
12/10/12 07:22 PM ET Bottom Line
12/10/12 07:14 PM ET Tom Price won’t challenge Boehner
12/10/12 03:23 PM ET Senate panel expected to move torture report
12/10/12 01:08 PM ET Rep. Price won't challenge Boehner
12/10/12 05:00 AM ET Grand deficit prize glitters within reach
12/09/12 02:00 PM ET After 2012 setbacks, Tea Party struggles over need for inside influence
12/08/12 05:00 PM ET Obama photo-ops draw criticism
12/08/12 09:49 AM ET Sanders: GOP Senate obstructionism 'undemocratic' and 'unAmerican'
12/08/12 09:13 AM ET Obama to accept corporate donations for second inauguration
12/08/12 06:00 AM ET Rubio makes the case for less government
12/08/12 06:00 AM ET Hispanic Democrat says Obama is missing in action on immigration
12/07/12 11:24 AM ET Boehner: Obama wants to 'slow-walk' talks, wastes another week
12/07/12 06:00 AM ET DeMint's departure leaves no void, Senate conservatives insist
12/06/12 06:46 PM ET DeMint gave colleagues short notice
12/06/12 06:21 PM ET Centrist Democrats flock to tax-cut discharge petition
12/06/12 02:47 PM ET Obama takes tax fight with GOP to Virginia
12/06/12 01:03 PM ET Pelosi jabs DeMint on his way out
12/06/12 12:49 PM ET Jim DeMint resigns from Senate
12/06/12 12:35 PM ET President Obama meets with NJ Gov. Christie on Sandy recovery effort
12/06/12 05:00 AM ET Obama-friendly business group given great access to the White House
12/06/12 05:00 AM ET McConnell pushes back against campaign finance reform efforts
12/06/12 05:00 AM ET Primary challenger yet to emerge for Graham
12/06/12 05:00 AM ET Last House race to end on Saturday
12/05/12 08:13 PM ET Boehner to members: Leadership is watching your voting patterns
12/05/12 07:59 PM ET Debt limit complicates deficit talks
12/05/12 07:25 PM ET Under Contract
12/05/12 07:19 PM ET Appointments
12/05/12 07:09 PM ET Reg Watch
12/05/12 06:59 PM ET Procrastination no longer an option
12/05/12 03:39 PM ET Schumer: GOP bluffing on debt limit
12/05/12 02:50 PM ET GOP Rep. Jones says he could buck party on middle-class tax vote
12/05/12 12:02 PM ET Obama warns business GOP debt-ceiling 'game' will hurt economy
12/05/12 11:19 AM ET House GOP leaders press Obama to ‘engage’ in fiscal negotiations
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