Dick Morris

2014: The sixth-year curse
Dick Morris - 01/15/13 07:10 PM ET

Republicans and conservatives might not have to wait until 2016 to get out from under the ravages of an ultra-liberal Obama administration. 

Budgeting through debt limit
Dick Morris - 01/08/13 06:40 PM ET

The Republican Party and its House leadership need to find a place to stand in the debt-limit battle that is approaching. Lacking a politically viable place to stand is just a prelude to an inevitable surrender.

Al Gore, Joel Hyatt sell out Israel
Dick Morris - 01/03/13 03:52 PM ET

Al Jazeera is coming to America, courtesy of former Vice President Al Gore and entrepreneur Joel Hyatt. The Arab network, funded by Qatar, has just bought Current TV — the low-rated liberal cable station Gore and Hyatt founded — for a reported $500 million. The deal gives the anti-Israeli Arab network access to 40 million homes in the United States.

Phase in debt-limit hikes
Dick Morris - 12/18/12 07:29 PM ET

Everyone in Washington knows two things:

Triangulating the fiscal cliff
Dick Morris - 12/11/12 05:47 PM ET

Obama’s popularity and his party’s political fortunes might not survive the fruits of his recent victory. If he cows the Republicans into giving him a tax increase on the upper brackets, he will lose the fig leaf he uses to disguise his true intentions. Until now, taxing the rich has been his answer to everything.

GOP ‘doomsday’ plan
Dick Morris - 12/04/12 07:33 PM ET

ABC News reports that House Republicans have a doomsday plan in mind should the fiscal-cliff talks fail to reach an agreement: total surrender!

Stop UN control of the Web
Dick Morris - 11/27/12 06:21 PM ET

Next week, the United Nations’ attempt to take over the Internet will move into high gear when the International Telecommunications Union meets in Dubai with representatives from 193 countries to craft a new governing structure for the Internet. The meetings are expected to last two weeks.

Plan for immigration reform
Dick Morris - 11/13/12 06:23 PM ET

Democrats want illegal immigrants to vote, because they are likely to be supporters, but not to work, because of union sensibilities.

Why I was wrong
Dick Morris - 11/07/12 07:09 PM ET

I’ve got egg on my face. 

Prediction: Romney 325, Obama 213
Dick Morris - 11/05/12 07:21 PM ET

Yup. That’s right. A landslide for Romney approaching the magnitude of Obama’s against McCain. That’s my prediction.

Current and Previous Articles

10/30/12 05:33 PM ET Opinion: Here comes the landslide
10/26/12 02:02 PM ET Don't count Mourdock out
10/23/12 06:00 PM ET Debates within the debate
10/16/12 06:11 PM ET Mitt needs to expand map
10/11/12 09:51 AM ET Romney outspending Obama on TV in swing states
10/10/12 02:14 PM ET Stop UN regulation of the Internet
10/09/12 05:49 PM ET Obama’s foreign donors
10/08/12 11:09 AM ET Obama’s second-term plan: Let the UN tax Americans
10/08/12 07:00 AM ET Bipartisanship: A new winning issue
10/06/12 05:00 AM ET OPINION: How the media are trying to spin the first presidential debate
10/02/12 06:45 PM ET Mitt must debate big issues
09/18/12 05:25 PM ET Mother of all economies
09/12/12 10:17 AM ET The teachers union commits suicide
09/11/12 05:32 PM ET Why Mitt will win
08/29/12 11:00 PM ET Ann Romney: Game changer
08/28/12 11:00 PM ET Obama loses election lead over economy
08/07/12 05:10 PM ET The real poll numbers
07/31/12 04:44 PM ET Danger signals over VP pick
07/17/12 05:07 PM ET Obama kills welfare reform
07/10/12 04:55 PM ET D-Day for gun control
06/26/12 05:37 PM ET Obama’s failed presidency
06/19/12 05:27 PM ET Obama’s strategy emerges
06/12/12 04:49 PM ET New York Times v. Obama
06/05/12 05:46 PM ET Obama’s unhappy left flank
05/29/12 05:23 PM ET GOP can win on budget cuts
05/22/12 05:19 PM ET Negatives won’t kill Romney
05/15/12 05:15 PM ET Romney to win undecideds
05/08/12 05:22 PM ET A Romney landslide
04/24/12 04:53 PM ET Gender gap is smaller
04/17/12 05:50 PM ET Undecided lean to insurgent
04/10/12 05:58 PM ET Obama’s second-term taxes
04/04/12 10:12 AM ET Santorum’s May myth
04/03/12 05:06 PM ET Obama’s enthusiasm gap
03/27/12 05:34 PM ET Friendly fire from Obama
03/20/12 05:57 PM ET Obama tells secrets to Russia
03/14/12 03:54 PM ET How the race stacks up from here
03/13/12 05:52 PM ET No truth to January job gains
03/06/12 06:42 PM ET After Super Tuesday …
03/05/12 05:00 AM ET The danger of deadlock
02/28/12 06:42 PM ET Gas prices to cost Obama
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